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Q: What are most robots in the world designed for?
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Are the presidents in Disney World real?

They are animatronic robots designed to look real.

How long will it be until robots take over the world?

robots will NEVER take over the world if they did they couldn't do anything to hurt anybody Yes. Robots are used most often in manufacturing, including the building of automobiles.

How many people in the world have robots?

there are more than 100000 types of robots

Where are the robots used in the auto industry designed?

Most of the robots used in the auto industry are first designed at technology schools such as MIT or Carnegie Mellon. Then the engineering department at the auto plants take a basic design and customize it to the use that is needed by the specific assembly plant.

What will develop in the world of robots?

robots with personalities

When the robots are discovered and whomdiscovered it?

Robotics is an engineering category, and as such, robots were never "discovered". Robots were designed and built by engineers who had a specific goal in mind when they did so. In a sense, a steam engine is an example of a simple robotic device, since the position of the piston causes the valve to open and close; however, most machines are much more complex before they are considered to be "robotic". Unfortunately, the modern film industry has romanticized robotics and has caused many uneducated people to imagine that robots are sentient entities. Robots are machines. As such, robots have no feelings. Robots, as all machines, perform their tasks as they were designed.

Advantages of space robots?

The main advantage of having robots in space is that it does not put human life at risk. Another advantage is the fact that robots can be designed to for work in harsh environments.

Are there robots that clean up space?

No, but some are being designed and tested.

Will evil robots and computers take over the world?

YES the day when Robots will be programmed to perform EVIL tasks & Computers will perform damaging tasks by manipulative programs designed and developed by Educated Human Demons & ILL minded people.

Can robots have feelings?

Yes. They are currently building a robot designed to go to the moon. I believe it has feelings. Even if it doesn't, they have made robots with feelings.

How do you avoid robots taking over the world?

Don't build robots that could take over the world.

Are robots dangerious?

Robots are nothing more than a tool. Is a screwdriver dangerous? It certainly can be if used improperly. How about a bicycle spoke wrench? Improperly designed or implemented robots can be dangerous, just as your car can be dangerous.