

What are nephrites?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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''Nephrites'' is a genus of beetles, but those are not amfibians ofcourse. Maybe nephritis was meant, this is a kidney-desease. Or nephrite, wich is a mineral.

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11y ago
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What are some nine letter words with 1st letter N and 6th letter I and 9th letter S?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 87 words with the pattern N----I--S. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter N and 6th letter I and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: nabobisms naethings nailfiles narceines narghiles nasalises nasalisms nasalizes natations nativisms nativists naturisms naturists navalisms nearsides nebulises nebuliums nebulizes necklines needfires needlings nefarious negations negatives negroisms neophiles nephrisms nephrites nephritis nepotisms nepotists nestlings neutrinos newsgirls newswires nibblings nicotians nicotines nidations niderings niellists nigglings nihilisms nihilists nimbyisms niramiais nivations nobeliums nodalises nodalizes nodations nolitions nomadises nomadisms nomadizes nonbeings noncrimes noncrises noncrisis nonguilts nonskiers nonunions nonwhites noodlings noontides noontimes nopalitos northings nosedives noselites notarises notarizes notations notchings notifiers notorious novations novelises novelisms novelists novelizes noverints nucleides nudations nurslings nutarians nutations

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 745 words with the pattern -E-----ES. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter E and 8th letter E and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: aedicules aegirines aegirites aeglogues aerobuses aerodynes aerolites aerotaxes aerotones aestheses aesthetes beaneries beanpoles bearbines beatboxes beatifies beauxites beaveries bechances beclothes bedabbles bedaggles bedazzles bedframes bedimples bedirties bedplates beefaloes beefcakes beeswaxes beetflies befringes befuddles beggaries begirdles begrudges bejumbles belittles bellcotes beltlines bemingles bemuddles bemuffles bemuzzles benefices benthoses benzoates bepimples bepraises berceuses berdaches berdashes bernicles berthages beseeches besmudges besoothes bespouses bestrides beverages bewearies bewitches beworries bezzazzes cecitises ceintures celibates cellmates celotexes cemitares cenobites centiares centrodes centuples centuries ceramides ceresines cerotypes certifies cerusites deadlines deaerates deaneries debauches debouches debruises decencies decentres decimates declasses decorates decouples decreases dedicates dedimuses deerflies defecates defiances defilades defocuses defreezes degausses degreases deindexes deionises deionizes delegates delibates delicates demarches demilunes demiurges demiveges demonises demonizes demonries denatures dendrites denotates denounces densifies densities dentaries dentelles denticles denudates departees depeoples depilates deportees depresses depurates deputises deputizes derivates derogates derrieres dervishes describes descrives designees desknotes desolates destinies detainees dethrones detonates detraques developes deviances devilries dewannies dextrines dextroses feasances feblesses federates feedboxes feedholes felonries felstones feminines feminises feminizes fencibles feodaries ferneries ferriages feticides feudaries fewnesses feynesses gearboxes gearcases gefuffles gelatines gemfishes geminates gemmeries gemstones gendarmes generates genitives genitures genocides genotypes gentrices geodesies geogenies geognoses geogonies geologies geophones geophytes geoprobes gerbilles germaines headaches headcases headgates headlines headnotes headraces headropes hebetates hebetudes hebraises hebraizes hegumenes heiresses helibuses hellboxes helleries hellfires hellholes hellkites helotages helotries helplines helpmates hematines hematites hematoses hemipodes hemocytes hemolyses hemolyzes henhouses henneries hepatises hepatites hepatizes herbaries herdesses heritages herniates heronries hesitates heteroses hexamines hexylenes jealouses jeanettes jellifies jessamies jetplanes jewelries jewfishes kedgerees keelhales keepsakes kefuffles kenosises keratoses kerbsides kermesses kerosenes kerosines ketamines ketoximes keybugles keystones leachates leaferies lecheries legaleses legalises legalizes lemonades lemurines leniences lenitives lenticles lepidotes leprosies levatores leverages levigates levirates levitates levuloses lewdsbies lewisites mealtimes meantimes meconates mediacies medicares medicates medicides medicines meditates megabytes megadoses megadynes megapodes meiocytes meionites melamines melanises melanites melanizes melanoses melilites melinites melodises melodizes membranes mementoes memorises memorizes menarches menilites menopomes menthenes merceries mercifies mercuries merengues mergences merimakes meringues merosomes mesolites mesomeres mesosomes mesprises mesprizes mesquites messiases messmates messuages mestesoes mestinoes mestizoes metabases metairies metalises metalizes metamales metameres metayages meterages metrifies mezquites nearsides nebbishes nebulises nebulizes neckatees necklaces necklines nectaries needfires negatives negligees negresses nematodes neologies neophiles neophobes neophytes neoprenes neotenies nepenthes nephrites nephroses newnesses newswires oeillades oestrones oestruses pearlites peataries peateries peccaries peculates pedicures pedigrees pedlaries pedleries pedreroes peduncles peepholes peeresses pegasuses pejorates pelerines pellicles peloruses pembrokes pemolines pemphixes penalises penalizes penalties pendicles penknives pennyfees pensiones pentacles penuchles penuckles pequistes perceives percusses perenties perfidies perhapses periapses pericones pericopes peridotes perigones perilunes perjuries permeases permeates perniones perorates peroxides perplexes perruques perspexes perspires persuades perswades perthites pertusses perviates pessaries pestholes petabytes petanques petasoses petasuses petraries petrifies pettitoes petuntses petuntzes reaccedes reaccuses readvises reaffixes realities reannexes reapplies rearouses reassumes reassures rebottles recarries recatches recencies recentres rechanges recharges rechooses recircles reclothes recouples recourses recreates recrosses rectifies rectories rectrices redamages redargues redecides redefines redfishes redhorses redivides rednesses redoubles redresses reedifies reedmaces reemerges reengages reentries reexposes refigures refocuses refreezes refreshes refringes regelates regencies regicides reglosses regresses regrooves regulates regulises regulizes reguluses rehandles rehearses reignites reillumes reimposes reincites reindexes reinduces reinettes reinfuses reinjures reinsures reinvades reinvites reinvokes rejectees rejuggles rekindles relatives releasees relegates reliables reliances rellishes relocates relumines remarques remarries rematches remercies remigates remittees remolades renatures renegades renegates renforces renounces renovates renverses reopposes repartees repatches repeoples reperuses rephrases repledges replevies replunges reposures repousses repreeves represses repriefes reprieves repursues requoyles reredoses rerevises resaddles resalutes resamples resecures resembles resettles resiances resinates resinises resinizes resinoses resolutes resonates resources resplices responses restables restrikes restrives restudies retackles retallies reteaches reticules retinenes retinites retouches retraites retrieves retteries returnees reunifies reuptakes reusables revanches reveilles revelries seablites seadromes seahorses sealeries sealwaxes seapieces seaplanes seaquakes seascapes seashores seatmates sebundies secaloses secondees secrecies sectaries sedatives seedboxes seedcakes seedcases seedtimes seeresses segolates selectees selenates selenides selenites selenoses selvagees selvedges semidomes semilunes seminates semitones sensibles sentences separates septettes septuples sequences serafiles serenades serenates sericites seropuses serotines serotypes serpigoes serveries sesterces sestettes setnesses seventies sewerages sextanses sextettes sextuples teahouses teammates teargases tectrices telamones telecines telefaxes telergies telesales telesemes teletexes teletypes televises telltales telomeres telotaxes temblores templates tenailles tenancies tendances tendences tenorites tenpences tensities tentacles tenuities teosintes tephrites terabytes terebenes teredines termtimes ternaries terribles terrifies tertiuses terylenes testacies testicles testifies tetanises tetanizes tetanuses vegelates vegemites vegetates vegetives velarises velarizes vendables vendanges vendeuses vendibles vendisses venenates venerates ventailes ventayles ventouses venvilles verbiages verbifies vergences verglases veritates verjuices verligtes vermilies vernacles vernicles verqueres verquires versicles versifies vertigoes vesicates weaksides wearables weblishes weederies weepholes weighages wellholes wellsites werwolves wetnesses xenopuses xenotimes xeroseres zebrasses zecchines zedoaries

How many words can you make from the word entrepreneurship?

2-letter wordseh, en, er, es, et, he, hi, in, is, it, ne, nu, pe, pi, re, sh, si, ti, uh, un, up, us, ut3-letter wordsens, ere, ern, err, ers, eth, hen, hep, her, hes, het, hie, hin, hip, his, hit, hue, hun, hup, hut, inn, ins, ire, its, nee, net, nip, nit, nth, nun, nus, nut, pee, peh, pen, pep, per, pes, pet, phi, pht, pie, pin, pip, pis, pit, piu, psi, pun, pup, pur, pus, put, ree, rei, rep, res, ret, rin, rip, rue, run, rut, see, sei, sen, ser, set, she, sin, sip, sir, sit, sri, sue, sun, sup, tee, ten, the, tie, tin, tip, tis, tui, tun, tup, uns, ups, urn, use, uts4-letter wordsepee, erne, erns, errs, erst, eths, etui, heir, hens, hent, here, hern, hers, hest, hets, hies, hins, hint, hips, hire, hisn, hist, hits, hues, huns, hunt, hurt, huts, inns, ires, neep, nene, nest, nets, nine, nips, nits, nuns, nuts, peen, peep, peer, pees, pehs, pein, pens, pent, peps, peri, pert, pest, pets, phis, phut, pier, pies, pine, pins, pint, pipe, pips, pirn, pish, pith, pits, pree, prep, puns, punt, pups, pure, puri, purr, purs, push, puts, rees, rein, reis, rent, repp, reps, resh, rest, rete, rets, rhus, rins, ripe, rips, rise, rite, ruer, rues, ruin, rune, runs, runt, ruse, rush, rust, ruth, ruts, seen, seep, seer, sene, sent, sept, sere, shin, ship, shri, shun, shut, sine, sinh, sipe, sire, site, sith, snip, snit, spin, spit, spue, spun, spur, step, stir, stun, suer, suet, suit, sunn, supe, sure, teen, tees, tens, tern, thee, then, thin, thir, this, thru, thus, tier, ties, tine, tins, tips, tire, tree, trip, true, tuis, tune, tuns, tups, turn, tush, unit, urns, user5-letter wordseerie, ennui, ensue, enter, enure, epees, ernes, erupt, ester, ether, etuis, heirs, heist, hents, heres, herns, hints, hirer, hires, hunts, hurst, hurts, inept, inert, inner, input, inset, inter, inure, inurn, ither, neeps, neist, nerts, nines, ninth, niter, nitre, nurse, peens, peeps, peers, peins, peise, penes, penis, penni, peris, perse, peter, phuts, piers, pines, pints, pinup, piper, pipes, pipet, pirns, piste, piths, preen, prees, preps, prese, prest, prier, pries, print, prise, prune, punts, puree, purer, purin, puris, purrs, purse, reest, reins, renin, rente, rents, repin, repps, rerun, resee, reset, resin, retie, reuse, rinse, ripen, riper, ripes, risen, riser, rites, ruers, ruins, runes, runts, rupee, ruths, rutin, seine, senti, serer, serin, setup, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, shent, shier, shine, shire, shirr, shirt, shunt, shute, sieur, siree, siren, sirup, situp, sneer, snipe, speer, speir, spent, spier, spine, spire, spirt, spite, spree, sprit, sprue, spurn, spurt, steep, steer, stein, stere, stern, stipe, stirp, strep, strip, stupe, suint, suite, super, surer, teens, tense, tepee, terne, terns, terse, thein, their, thens, there, these, thine, thins, three, thrip, tiers, tines, tires, treen, trees, trier, tries, trine, tripe, trips, truer, trues, tuner, tunes, turns, turps, unhip, unite, units, unpen, unpin, unrip, unset, untie, upper, upset, urine, usher, uteri6-letter wordseerier, either, ennuis, ensure, enters, entire, entree, enures, erupts, esprit, estrin, eterne, ethene, ethers, herein, herpes, hinter, hipper, hirers, hunter, hurter, inerts, inhere, inners, inputs, inrush, insert, instep, insure, intern, inters, inturn, inures, inurns, irrupt, nereis, nester, nether, neuter, ninths, nipper, niters, nitres, nurser, peeper, peerie, penner, pennis, pensee, pepsin, perish, perter, peruse, pester, peters, pinene, pinner, pinups, pipers, pipets, preens, preset, priers, priest, prints, pruner, prunes, pterin, puisne, punier, punish, punner, punnet, punter, purees, purest, purine, purins, purist, purser, pusher, rehire, renest, renins, rennet, renter, rentes, repent, repine, repins, repute, rerise, reruns, reseen, resent, reship, resite, rester, retene, reties, retine, retire, retune, return, retuse, rinser, ripens, ripest, ripper, ruiner, runner, rupees, rushee, rusher, rusine, rutins, seethe, seiner, sennet, sennit, serein, serene, serine, shiner, shrine, sinner, sinter, sipper, sippet, sirree, sniper, sphene, sphere, spinet, sprent, sprier, sprint, sprite, steppe, stripe, suiter, supine, supper, teener, teepee, tenner, tennis, tenpin, tenser, tenues, tenuis, tenure, tepees, ternes, terser, theine, theins, theirs, theres, threep, threes, thrips, tinner, tipper, treens, triene, triens, triers, trines, tripes, triune, tuners, tureen, turner, turnip, tushie, uniter, unites, unpens, unpent, unpins, unrent, unrest, unripe, unrips, unseen, unsent, unship, unstep, unties, uppers, uppish, uprise, upsent, upstep, upstir, ureter, urines, ursine7-letter wordseeriest, ensurer, enterer, enthuse, entires, entrees, entries, epeeist, erepsin, errhine, eserine, ethenes, heister, henries, herries, hinters, hippest, hipster, hirsute, hunters, hurrier, hurries, hurters, inheres, insurer, intense, interne, interns, inturns, irrupts, neither, neurine, neuters, nippers, nutsier, peepers, peeries, penners, pennies, penster, pentene, pepsine, perpent, perries, peruser, pinenes, pinners, preener, present, prester, preteen, printer, prisere, prithee, pruners, pterins, puniest, punners, punnets, punnier, punster, punters, punties, purines, pursier, pushier, pushpin, reenter, rehires, reinter, rennets, renters, rentier, repents, repiner, repines, reprint, reprise, reputes, rerisen, reshine, respire, respite, retenes, retines, retinue, retiree, retirer, retires, retries, retunes, returns, reunite, ripener, rippers, ruiners, runners, runnier, runtier, runtish, rushier, rustier, seepier, serener, serpent, sheerer, sheeter, shippen, shipper, shunner, shunter, sneerer, snipper, snippet, spinner, spurner, spurrer, steepen, steeper, steerer, stepper, sterner, stirrer, stirrup, striper, stunner, sunnier, teeners, teenier, teepees, tenners, tenpins, tenures, terpene, terreen, terrene, terrier, terries, terrine, theines, therein, thinner, threeps, tinners, tippers, trienes, tripper, triunes, tunnies, tureens, turners, turnips, uniters, unriper, unrisen, unspent, uprisen, upriser, ureters, uterine8-letter wordsenshrine, ensphere, enterers, errhines, esurient, eternise, hurriers, inherent, inserter, insphere, intenser, internee, internes, nepenthe, nephrite, neurines, pentenes, penuries, peripter, perpents, perspire, pesterer, preeners, prepense, preprint, prerinse, preteens, pretense, preunite, printers, prurient, psephite, punisher, punniest, reenters, reinsert, reinsure, reinters, rentiers, repenter, repiners, reprints, resupine, retinene, retinues, retirees, retirers, returnee, returner, reuniter, reunites, ripeners, runniest, sheenier, spherier, sprinter, spurrier, stripper, superhit, surprint, teensier, terpenes, terreens, terrenes, terriers, terrines, thinners, trephine, trippers, unripest, unsphere9-letter wordsenshrinee, henneries, internees, nepenthes, nephrites, peripters, preprints, prereturn, presentee, presenter, preunites, reentries, reinsurer, repenters, represent, reprinter, reserpine, retinenes, returnees, returners, reuniters, spinneret, superthin, trephines, turneries10-letter wordsenterprise, reprinters, serpentine11-letter wordsenterpriser, representer, truepennies12-letter wordsentrepreneur13-letter wordsentrepreneurs16-letter wordsentrepreneurship945 words found.

What is 10 letters starting with E?

There are several hundred. Here are some: earmarking earthbound earthlings earthquake earthworks earthworms easterlies eastwardly eavesdrops ebullience eccentrics ecclesiast echinoderm ecological ecologists economical economists economizes ecosystems ectodermal ecumenical edentulous editorials editorship effectuate effeminate effervesce effeteness efficacies efficiency effortless effrontery effusively egocentric egoistical eighteenth eightieths ejaculated elaborates elasticity elderberry electicism electively electorate electrical electrodes electronic elementary eliminated eliminator ellipsoids elliptical elongating eloquently elucidated eluctation emaciation emanations emancipate emasculate embalmment embankment embezzlers embittered emblazoned embodiment emboldened embrasures embroidery embroiling emendation emeraldine emergences emigration emissaries emollients empaneling empathetic empathized emphasizes emphatical empiricism employment empowering emulsified enactments enamelling encampment encapsules encasement enchanting enchiladas encircling enclosures encounters encouraged encroached encrusting encrypting encumbered encyclical endangered endearment endeavored endodermis endorsable endoscopic endowments energizing enervating enfeebling enfettered enforcible engagement engagingly engendered engineered engravings engrossing engulfment enigmatist enjoyments enlightens enlistment enlivening enormously enragement enraptured enrichment enrollment enshrining enshrouded ensnarling ensorceled entangling enterology enterprise entertains enthralled enthusiasm enticement enticingly entombment entomology entourages entraining entrancing entrapment entreaties entrenched entrusting enumerable enumerated enunciated enveloping envisaging envisioned epauletted ephemerous epicardium epicenters epicondyle epicureans epididymis epiglottis epileptics epiphanies epiphyseal episcopacy epistolary epithelial epitomized equability equalizing equangular equanimity equatorial equestrian equivalent equivocate eradicated ergonomics ergosterol erotically eructation eruptional eruptively escalation escalators escarpment escutcheon esophageal espadrille especially essentials estimation estivation eternalize ethereally ethnically ethylamine etiolation etiologies eucalyptus eucharists eugenicist eulogizing euphemisms euphonious eurodollar eurythmics euthanasia evacuation evaluating evanescent evangelism evaporates evenhanded, eventually evergreens everything everywhere evidential eviscerate evolutions exacerbate exactingly exaggerate exaltation exasperate excavation excellence exceptions excerpting exchanging excitation excitement exclaiming exclusions excoriated excrements excretions exculpated excursions excuseless executable executions executives exemptions exercising exfoliated exhalation exhausting exhibiting exhilarate exhumation exigencies existences exobiology exonerates exorbitant exorcizing exospheric exothermic exotically expandable expansions expatiates expectancy expectedly expedience expediting expedition expendable experience experiment expiration explaining expletives explicable explicitly exploiters explosions explosives exportable exposition expository expounding expressing expression expressive expressway expulsions expurgated extendable extensions extenuated externally extinction extinguish extirpated extortions extraction extradites extralegal extraneous extremists extricated extroverts extrusions exuberance exultation eyeballing eyedropper eyeglasses eyewitness