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use of multiple time frames (cross cutting)

stylised movement

actor playing multiple and changing roles (changing character)

character to narrator

use of projection to convey a message

use of narrator and shared narration

choral speaking (more than one speaking together)

use of placards and signs

open white stage lights (no colour gels)

shadows cast on back wall with white light

actors as props and/or set pieces (physical theatre)

use of song or poetry to convey a message

visible stage lights and other equipment

use of free standing screen and shadow projection

sophisticated use of freeze frames

monotone use of voice

props having multiple uses

voice over

limited use of emotion or exaggeration

flash-backs and flash-forwards

happy scenes performed sadly and vice-versa

bare/symbolic sets / symbolic costume

limited physical involvement between characters

actors speaking stage directions aloud

self-contained episodes (not scenes)

characters with backs to the audience

speaking directly to the audience in performance (monologues)

use of masks


slow motion

narration that spoils upcoming dramatic tension

music to create atmosphere/tension

symbolism through movement and gesture

stylised use of voice

sound collage - sound blanket

limited dialogue to build tension/highlight importance

dramatic tension and use of pauses

opposing tension (body being pulled by invisible string in opposite directions)

split stage

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Q: What are non naturalistic conventions?
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What are the key differences between naturalistic drama and abstract (non naturalistic) drama?

The conventions

What are the non-naturalistic conventions?

Non-naturalistic conventions are the unnatural norms used in the theater performing arts. Some of these are: use of projection to convey a message. use of placards and signs, use of voice overs and actors speaking stage directions aloud.

What is non-naturalistic colors?

Non-naturalistic colors are colors that do not appear natural. Vincent Van Gogh was an artist that used quite a bit of non-naturalistic coloring and expressionism.

What conventions make a naturalistic performance?

All naturalistic performances have scenes that flow smoothly so that it is easy to follow what's happening in the performance/show. Also that when you are a character in a naturalistic performance, you have to stay that character. You can't use character transformation to change into someone or something else. One thing that you can definitely not use is gibberish because in naturalistic drama, you have to speak normally. Another thing that you definitely can't use is exaggerated movement. This is because is naturalistic drama, you have to move the same as you normally would. You don't use slow motion in naturalistic drama because it doesn't come natural to people. LT

What is non naturalistic drama?

Non naturalistic drama is when your performance is based on things that would not normally happen. For example, having a conversation with people who are in freeze frame or continuously changing your character mood. LT

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What is non-naturalistic drama?

Non-naturalistic Drama is acting away from the norm, for example you would walk in a bizarre way, it can be a way of showing something is changing. its used a lot in drama to show a persons state of mind etc. This is the modern understanding of Non-naturalistic Drama, which began as something of a revolt against Naturalistic Drama / Theatre, a style made very popular by Konstantin Stanislavsky and later by Strasberg and others who adopted and adapted his principles into what has come to be called, The Method or Method Acting. Naturalistic Drama developed as recently as the late 19th to early 20th century. The most famous opponent of Naturalistic Drama was Bertolt Brecht, who put forth the style or technique of Alienation, which shatters the illusion of Realism in a performance at various points in order to get the audience to forget the performance and re-focus on the message / issues that the play addresses. Since Naturalistic Drama developed so late in the theatre time-line, however, every form of theatre before it is thus, by definition, Non-naturalistic. From the time humans first began performing for an audience of more than one, the constraints of having to be visible and audible to many have dictated that theatrical actions be loud and exaggerated. Arms are swung dramatically, the voice is projected many decibels above normal speech, etc. In some forms, costumes are colourful and far removed from normal, everyday clothes. Performances may be stylised and incorporate music, song and dance. A couple of examples are Japanese Kabuki and Indian Kathakali. All these can be said to be Non-naturalistic Drama or Theatre.

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Language conventions are language conventions

What are the differences between laboratory observation and naturalistic observation?

Laboratory observation is in a laboratory and naturalistic observation is in the nature.

What is a naturalistic play?

it is where everything happens in realy time, for example there is no '6 months in the future' or anything :) bit vague but :)

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Deism is a rational, naturalistic (non-revelatory) approach to belief in the Ultimarte Creator. A product of Humanism, many of the US Founding Fathers were Deists.