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Well, if you're talking about characteristics that do NOT apply to bacteria but still apply to living things, then here's a list:

- belonging to the domain Eukarya (eubacteria belongs to Bacteria, and archaebacteria belongs to Archaea)

- being eukaryotic (having organelles and a nucleus)

- not having a cell wall (as both do, although eubacteria has peptoglycogen in its cell wall)

I noticed that this is under "Mycology or Fungus", so here are a few differences between fungus and bacteria:

- fungus have chitin in their cell walls

- fungus are *usually* multicellular (though not always)

- fungus get their food through absorption

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Q: What are not some characteristics of bacteria?
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The characteristics of domain bacteria is that it is a prokaryote , bacteria can be found in soil , water , and even on and inside the human body . some bacteria causes diseases , such as pneumonia . Other bacteria make chemicals that help humans fight disease-causing bacteria . - by yha gurl v.rizzle !Unicellula

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