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Aside from the everyday danger that waste management can have for the workers, they may have not notice it that much but health problems are also at risk. A lot of chemicals and toxic stuff in places like landfills, composting area, recycling area, inceneration factory, or sewage treatment can be a huge threat to a workers health. WIthout the proper training they could hurt themselves or get themselves in situations where the hazards of the workplace gets into them.

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Q: What are occupational hazards associated with waste handling?
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When handling hazardous waste gloves should always be used. Dispose of hazardous waste in specially marked containers in a secured area. Never eat or drink when handling hazardous materials.

What method for the safe handing of hazardous waste and hazardous materials?

When handling hazardous waste gloves should always be used. Dispose of hazardous waste in specially marked containers in a secured area. Never eat or drink when handling hazardous materials.

What is the method for the safe handing of hazardous waste and hazardous material?

When handling hazardous waste gloves should always be used. Dispose of hazardous waste in specially marked containers in a secured area. Never eat or drink when handling hazardous materials.

What method is for the safe handing of hazardous waste and hazardous material?

When handling hazardous waste gloves should always be used. Dispose of hazardous waste in specially marked containers in a secured area. Never eat or drink when handling hazardous materials.

What is a method for safe handing of hazardous waste and hazardous materials?

When handling hazardous waste gloves should always be used. Dispose of hazardous waste in specially marked containers in a secured area. Never eat or drink when handling hazardous materials.

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