

What are orange worms?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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well, that is a tricky question, but i believe they live in the ground like most worms

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Q: What are orange worms?
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Do worms eat orange peels?

Worms can eat orange peels, but only if thoroughly washed. Make sure that no orange or orange juice remains on the peel; this is lethal to the worm. Orange peels may not be advisable, as they take a long time to decompose. they eat Brittany spears for brunch

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most worms live in the far ground so when you are looking for worms dig until you see orange soil that's where most worms live

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See a Doctor...not the Internet.

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no they will die within 10 minutes if they even get in contact with an orange!

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Yes its does, the worm only can on be found on out door buds. The beds have little orange worms the eat on the steams and the worms get filled in with thc. This can be fixed with lady bugs they eat them

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DJ Quack's required ingredients are orange cake and scummi worms.

Can you compost whole oranges?

Yes, most definately. Worms are the compost kings. Worms are the gods of the underworld from a scientific point of view. I add worms to all my compost piles. They increase the air flow through the piles and Ive never found an orange peel left behind. All I ever find is worm poop and worm guts. Worms are key to compost orange peels.

What color are all the glow worms on neopets?

The worm colors are Blue, Yellow, Red, Orange, Purple, White, Pink, Green , Rainbow, and Black.

What do you do with the worm in Neopets?

You use the worms with the lantern you get from lampwyck's Light Fantastic. Once you get all the worms(red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple,rainbow,white,and black) combin them with the lantern. Now you can use the lantern in the dark cave in moltara caves.

Can orange peel be recycled?

It can be used in making Jam. Well, yes, but the true answer would have to be that orange peels are you can throw them on the ground, and let the earth do its work, or you can make a compost and give it to the worms. Literally. Then, take the dirt and use it for gardening, or sell it.

How do you get DJ Quack on the Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game?

DJ Quack's main ingredients are orange cake and scummi worms.1. Put in the orange when adding ingredients2. Stir up the batter3. Put the batter into the cups and wait for it to bake4. Choose any icing5. Put on scummi worms6. Click "Done"7. And there you have DJ Quack eating your cup cakeYou get DJ Quack by using the following combo:Extras (to add into the mix): OrangeIcing: Big Swirl, White (Vanilla)Toppings: Scummi Worms (Gummy Worms)