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Q: What are particles in the air you can smell?
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Why can you smell chips being cooked?

it is to do with diffusion and the particles go through the gaps of the air particles and then you smell them. and is not the chips you smell it is the oil off the chips you smell

Can you smell air?

Yes you can. Air is composed of the gasses and particles that are around us. You can always smell it, but may not notice it most of the time.

Why can you smell cooking?

Because what you smell is actually tiny particles of whatever it is being spread around in the air.

What happens to deodorant when sprayed?

The particles in perfume get mixed in air & we can smell it .

Why can we smell perfume from the other side of the room?

We smell because of particles in the air. Air currents , due to people moving about or fans in the room. carry the particles across the room and the nerves in your nose detect them.

How does Febreze clean the air?

Febreze cleans the air by using tiny droplets of a sprayed mist. These attach themselves to dust and smell particles in the air and so the nose can no longer smell the 'bad' smell

Why is the ocean scent stronger in the summer?

The sun/ warmth hit the water and cause evaporation, this puts water particles in the air, we smell this when we are near the ocean. You can smell the particles in the air even though you can't see them.

How do smell particles get to your nose?

The strong, sweet smell of perfume reaches your nose so quickly because the chemicals in the perfume evaporate easily in the air so that we can smell them. In addition, the chemical itself can be smelt.

Why you can smell a rotten fish from a distance?

it is so coz particles in air are constantly moving

What is the use of a snake tongue?

Snakes use their tongue to smell. tongue collect smell particles from air and tongue places the collected particles in a receptor at back of the mouth to analize the smell.

Why can you smell a baking cake from the bedroom?

Smells are actually particles that are airborne. The reason you can smell things from other rooms for example is because of the air curculation and movement in your house (hot air rises) which is carrying small particles, which you inhale through your nose.

Why can you smell the dinner cooking upstairs from the kitchen?

Because during cooking foods support many chemical and physical changes; the released chemical compounds after heating has different odors. These odor particles travel through the air and allow people to smell the cooking food from various distances.