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Q: What are people who love machines called?
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Do love machines help?

Do love machines help with what specifically? They can be useful for handicap and/or introverted people. In a typical healthy normal relationship they are of only marginal or novelty value.

What are People who impersonate musical instruments and machines called?

There really is no technical name for someone who impersonates musical instruments and machines. They would simply be called an impersonator of musical instruments and machines.

What are Machines with few moving parts called?

They are called simple machines.

What was the time period called When did people use machines to make goods?

The Industrial Revolution

What is the name of the machines that can change your babies appearance?

GENES that's what it's called... there is NO machines that can do that. ONLY the man's genes and the woman's... but after they grow up they can have fix their problem i hope u love my answer

What is the name of the machine?

One name for a breathing machine is a ventilator. Old timey breathing machines were called "iron lungs." Some people consider CPAP machines and nebulizers breathing machines, but they do not breathe for you.

What were members of political machines called?

The people who worked full-time for the prewar political machines (mostly local, urban political party organizations run by a 'boss'' were simply called 'staffers'. Today's political machines in the US are mostly the parties' election organizations. Its members are called the campaign workers.

What are vampires with the power to make people love them called?

love hemithis

What are the people that love Justin Bieber called?

Hi everybody, The people that really love Justin Bieber are called BELIEVERS... Hope this answer was helpful !

Why did the apple machines sell so fast?

well people love the fruit apple that's why they went so quick

Six people can run 3 machines in the factory How many machines can 18 people run?

Six people can run 3 machines in the factory. How many machines can 18 people run?

Some machines hurt people when they are sopose to help them?

true but machines hurt people when people dont use machines properly