

What are pollen counts?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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15y ago

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Pollen grains are small (male) plant cells, usually yellow in color produced by flowers. For a seed to form pollen has to be transfered from the male anthers to the female stamen part of a plant flower. Some plants get insects to carry the pollen from flower to flower for them (rewarding the insect with nectar for doing this). Other species of plant rely on the wind to blow their pollen around. These wind pollinated plants (most grasses and some trees) need to produce vast quantities of pollen to ensure that some of it gets to a female flower and this can cause problems for people that are allergic to pollen, it gives them hay fever.

In order to warn people who suffer from hay fever when to take their medicines, the weather service measure the number of pollen grains in the air at regular intervals and publish this as the pollen count.

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according to this source, Cleveland, OH has the lowest pollen counts of a "midwest" city.

What state has the lowest pollen count?

Oregon and Maine are the states with the lowest pollen counts. A number of things contribute to this. They are near the water, they have cooler climates, etc.

What is the range of pollen count?

Pollen count is the measurement of the number of grains of pollen in a cubic meter of air. The higher the number, the more people will suffer if they are allergic to a particular pollen. Usually, the counts are announced for specific plants such as grass, ash or olive. These are tailored to what is usually a common plant in the area being measured.

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If pollen counts are extremely HIGH, I can sneeze over 200 x a day

What is best to not trigger asthma attack while running?

First, you need to check with your doctor to make sure it's safe for you to run with asthma. Do not run in cold weather, as this can make it difficult to run with asthma. Warm up and cool down before you run, and run when pollen counts are down (you can check out pollen counts at You could also use a protective mask while running, and it's also a good idea to run after it rains (this will ensure the pollen is washed away). Be sure to carry an inhaler with you, just in case.

When does allergic conjunctivitis occur?

Allergic conjuctivitis occurs when an allergen comes into contact with the body's immune system. It can be seasonal in which case it is worse when pollen counts are high for example in the summer.

What the function of the pollen grains?

Matured pollen grains contained sperm cells. When Pollen grains are sticky, you have pollen. Pollen grains are contained in the pollen sac, with the purpose of helping plants reproduce.

What is the function of pollen grains?

Matured pollen grains contained sperm cells. When Pollen grains are sticky, you have pollen. Pollen grains are contained in the pollen sac, with the purpose of helping plants reproduce.

What is another sentence with the word pollen?

I hate pollen! Pollen is annoying!!

What is pollen rate?

There is no such sense of a pollen "rate," but there is of a pollen count. Which means the average pollen grains in a cubic meter!

After the pollen grains land on the stigma what begins to grow from a cell in the pollen?

the pollen tube