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Q: What are positive aspects of factories as workplaces instead of farms?
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Instead of using electric energy we use windmills that help the environment.

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Do not speak negatively about a current supervisor, no matter what your relationship is with him or her. Instead, focus on the positive aspects and strengths of your supervisor.

What problems existed for workers in factories during the 1800's?

the problam was that children had to wok in the factories instead of going to school.

What were the Northern Factories using instead Of Water power?

steam engines

What does 'looking on the bright side' mean?

Looking on the bright side means focusing on the positive aspects of a situation rather than dwelling on the negative. It involves maintaining an optimistic outlook and seeking out silver linings in challenging circumstances.

What did the industrial revolution do to clothing?

instead of having clothes homemade, they were made in factories and sold to people in stores

Which term refers to goods being made in factories instead of by artisans in their homes?

industrialism - Apex!

What are some reasons people started making things in factories instead of by hand?

it was quicker than hand.

What degree is nursing fall into?

To work in nursing all you really need is your Associates Degree in Nursing, but workplaces are now seeking people with their bachelors degree instead. It is also possible to get your masters and doctorates.

Why did factories grow in the north instead of the south where cotton is grown?

because well the north was more city like then the south

What problem did industrialism create?

industrialization is a problem which causes the city to be more crowded. there will be no more space for housing because of the factories that has been built in the area for housing. factories and other business building are built there instead of the houses that have to be built which is the basic needs of people in the country.

What is the definition of positive language.?

Positive language is basically a positive way to interact with other s. You may focus on talking about what can happen, instead of saying what cannot.