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Q: What are properties of life shared by prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells but not with viruses?
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Which characteristic is not shared by eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

Membrane-enclosed organelles

What are shared properties?

Properties that are shared

Name a characteristic shared by all protists?

They're all eukaryotic organisms.

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they are oxygen and water

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it works how it works

What organelles do both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have?

Some examples of organelles that could be present in both pro-and eukaryotic cells (it all depends on the species) are a: flagellum, plasmid (rare in eukarytoic cells, but not unheard of) and ribosome.

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Thier prokaryotic origins and their ability to adapt quickly and evolve in a short time period.

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What are four physical properties shared by metallic elements?

Four physical properties shared by the metallic elements are that they are ductile, malleable, have good thermal conductivity, and have a metallic luster. They are also good conductors of electricity.

What is the only characteristics shared by living cells and viruses?

Viruses are composed of two main parts: an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA. Living cells also contain DNA and RNA. These are the only thing shared by living cells and viruses.

Are Physical properties and chemical properties the same?

No. Physical properties are things like boiling point and hardness; Chemical properties have to do with outer electron shells and how they're shared with other elements.

What properties does ice have that are not shared with liquid water?

For example the density, refractive index, state of matter, spectral properties etc.