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It depends, might be bed-bug bites or rashes or more serious skin disorders.

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Q: What are purple spots on your arm?
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Yes purple and yellow spots

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They are large reddish purple spots

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that your can be sick.

What color is a whelk?

they are purple with bright green spots

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Purple with Blue Spots

Are there actually purple butterflies?

One butterfly with wings showing purple splashes of color is the Purple Emperor. The spots on the wings are purple with a blue sheen.

Why do you have spots on your upper arm?

if you stay out in the sun for a while that will cause spots to show later in life

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They're birthmarks.

Are butterflies purple?

yes the mourning cloak butterfly is purple-black with blue spots and a yellow stripe

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what type of dog is known for having a purple tongue

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exercising both spots. you exercised both spots