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Q: What are slum area in extreme poverty known as?
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What is the definition of the word slum?

A slum is defined as being a dingy, dirty, squalid urban street, area or district that is generally inhabited by incredibly poor people. Often a slum area has no brick built housing, no plumbing and no job opportunities.

What is a slum area?

a ghetto

How does slumdog millionaire show child poverty in India and what is child poverty?

Poverty means poor, so child poverty is poor children. The movie shows child poverty by showing how the children lived in the slums and the houses they had to live in. The slum showed in the movie is a real slum that real people actually live in, located in India. It is the slum that the child actors live in. It's sad to think people have to live that way.

The rundown area where most of the poor of a city lived was called?

This area is commonly referred to as a "slum" or "ghetto." It is characterized by poor living conditions, overcrowding, poverty, and lack of access to basic amenities.

What does Jackson's phrase The slum was not born in me mean?

The phrase "The slum was not born in me" by Jackson likely means that Jackson did not originate or create the conditions of the slum. It suggests that Jackson did not see themselves as responsible for the existence or perpetuation of the slum.

The slum area which need disaster awerness?

It might be the Dharavi slum of Mumbai.

What is another word for slum or very poor area?

Another word for slum or very poor area is "shantytown" or "ghetto."

Oscar Lewis proposed the concept of Humankind is described as?

Oscar Lewis was an American anthropologist who is best known for his vivid depictions of the lives of slum dwellers and for postulating that there was a cross-generational culture of poverty among poor people that transcended national boundaries.

Where might one find a slum in town?

A slum is a term that is used to describe an area of town where the houses are run-down and substandard. The place to find a slum in town would be in the area where the people have very low or no incomes.

Is slum a bad word?

"Slum" is a term used to describe an area of a city that is densely populated and characterized by poor living conditions. It is not inherently a bad word, but it can carry negative connotations due to the poverty and lack of resources often associated with such areas. It is important to use the term sensitively and with awareness of its implications.

What to you call a poor overcrowded urban area?

A slum.

Why do slums exist?

Deterioration of neighborhoodsUnemploymentPoverty