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Q: What are some Major food of Philippines?
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What are the major trading products in the Philippines?

the 3 main product of Philippines is sugar,coffee and coconut oil

What are the influence of the Spanish in the Philippines?

actually there are many influences of Spanish here in Philippines one of it is some food we it some food we eat are influence or "pinauso" of spanish.. but the true influence of them are bad and some are good.. -o1o-

Where is bamboo used?

for homes in some places in the Philippines,food of pandas,

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Major Events before the "Discovery" of the Philippines

Why dehydration is the leading cause of morbidity in the Philippines?

Diarrhea is a major health problem in the Philippines that leads to severe dehydration. Unclean food and water leads to diarrhea and ends up causing severe malnutrition and a major loss of body fluids.?æ

Latest technological and scientific innovation in the Philippines?

The Philippines is exploding in new technology. They are trying to keep up and surpass some of the major players in the world.

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do any the religions have rules about food, or food taboos in the philippines

What are the major sources of income of the Filipinos?

One of the major sources of an income of an average Filipino is concerned with Farming. Rice is one of the major products that the Philippines produces and many are regular Filipinos get their source for daily expense here. Some of them takes care of animals to get more source of money and food. Some other plants grown are sugar cane and more.

What are the 3 major branches in the Philippines?

The 3 major branches in the Philippines are Luzon (the biggest island), Vizayas (the smallest) and Mindanao.

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What is the major religious group in the Philippines?

The major religious group in the Philippines is Roman Catholicism. It was introduced by Spanish colonizers in the 16th century and has had a significant influence on the country's culture and traditions.

What are some major education problems in Philippines?

The Weather problems and with floods so they sometimes can't go to school.