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Q: What are some Nonharmful plants you can eat in the jungle?
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Is it hard to find food in the jungle?

well it depends on what kind of jungle it is, you can eat eat edible plants and all kinds of fruits that grow on the trees. if theres a lake or river you can also eat fish.

What is an omnivore in a jungle?

An omnivore in a jungle is an animal that eats both plants and other animals. Examples of omnivores in the jungle include bears, monkeys, and birds like toucans. They have a varied diet that allows them to survive and thrive in the diverse food web of the jungle.

Are raccoons interested in eating berries from trees?

If there are edible berries in the jungle, the raccoon will eat them.

How do some animals keep the jungle clean?

By adhering to the laws of nature in balancing the ecosystem of that habitat.

Do desert bugs eat plants?

Some desert 'bugs' eat plants, some eat other 'bugs' and some are parasites on reptiles, birds and mammals.

What plants eat in the sea?

Some plants eat plankton and other small creatures.

What animal eats water plants?

Some fish eat water plants. Manatees, or sea cows, also eat water plants. Humans also eat some sea plants.

Why could you not eat much without plants?

You couldn't eat anything without plants. Every living thing on out planet is dependent on plants. Some eat plants directly (herbivores), while carnivores eat animals (that eat plants), and omnivores eat both.

What do snakes that live in the jungle eat?

There are numerous species of animals that live in jungles. Some are carnivorous, like the big cats. Some feed on plants, and yet others on both.bananas i guess and some plants and some meat from other animals

What is the interrelationships between plants and animals?

Some animals eat plants. Believe it or not, some plants eat animals. It's a cruel world. Avoid it at all costs.

What jungle animals eat bananas?

There are many predators to a snake in general -Snakes will eat other snakes -Birds -some small mammals

What do Nematode's eat?

Nematodes eat many things. Some eat plants, but some eat bug larva. Some are omnivoric (eat both).