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Q: What are some Zoroastrian punishments?
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What were some of the punishments imposed on prisioners?

Some of the punishments imposed on prisoners were refusing to give them food and water. Also, they could be put in solitary confinement.

If you stole something what were some of the punishments in 1770?

Punishment was largely at the discretion of the judge. Some of the punishments for stealing in 1770 were paying restitution, fines, whipping, and imprisonment.

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Imprisonment, fines and community service would be the common punishments for breaking laws in Ireland.

Describe 5 crimes and their punishments?

There are many crimes that have punishments such as murder. Some states in the United States will sentence someone to death for a murder.

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u were killed

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dance in there underwere

What are some slave punishments?

Some of the slave punishments were;beatenshackledwhippedsolda metal ring placed around the neck with bells attached for slaves who run awaybroken legs and ankles to prevent a slave from running away.