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Above the situation, the somewhat marginally established Manaus (Crane bats) which are a primitive bird with brown leather like wings, basic blue body color and a wing spread of twelve feet, and seem to combine features of Cranes (avian) and Bat-like creatures. Five were sighted over Manaus at dusk in l947 by an engineer.

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12h ago

Some animals found only in the Amazon rainforest include the Amazon river dolphin (pink river dolphin), golden lion tamarin, and Amazon poison dart frog. These species are highly specialized to the unique habitats found in the Amazon and are not found anywhere else in the world.

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13y ago

the animal life in the rain forest is basically them helping and providing each other to help them selves and help there family's. just search on the internet and you shall find a accurate answer!

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Q: What are some animals found only in the Amazon rainforest?
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What animals only live in the amazon rainforest?

Animals that only live in the amazon rainforest include giant otters, amazon river dolphin, amber phantom butterfly, wire tailed manikin, and more that I'm not sure ofI hope this helps!

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There are no grizzly bears found in the Amazon rain forest. One of the defining characteristics of the grizzly is that they are only found in North America.

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The amazon rainforest hold 70% of the world plants that have anticancer properties witch means if you have cancer the cure you could get would possibly be from the rainforest . Also lots of tribes - that have never had contact with the outside world live there and animals-that can only survive in the rainforest!

How many species of animals are only found in the amazon rainforest?

There are no precise number, but it is estimated that the Amazon has more than 4000 species of butterflies. Only in the southern Amazon it is possible to see more than 2000 species. In the Peruvian Amazon there are aother 2500 species.

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Bengal tigers are endangered - but not in the Amazon rain forest. The reason being that the Amazon river is in South America, and tigers are in Asia, another continent. And you only count animals as endangered compared to where they are naturally found. Only way you'd find a tiger in the amazon would be through an escaped zoo or circus animal.

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The Amazon rainforest spreads itself over several countries in South America and not only alongside the Amazon river.

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Flying squirrels do not live in the Amazon rainforest. Only two species of flying squirrel are native to the Americas--the northern and southern flying squirrels--and they are found in North and Central America.

What is floweres?

A cancer flower is something which helps with cancer. It is only found in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. People in an cancer medacation drink it.

What is acancer flower?

A cancer flower is something which helps with cancer. It is only found in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. People in an cancer medacation drink it.

What are the different rainforests?

The Amazon Rainforest that the only one i know