

What are some beneficial trees?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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oak and pine oak and pine

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Q: What are some beneficial trees?
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Absolutely beneficial, their only reason to peck on trees is to get at the insect parasites that are infecting the tree, if there are no insects there the woodpeckers will not even visit a tree.

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no, planting trees in a proper way is beneficial.

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The only way tornadoes might be beneficial is that they can clear out old trees, allowing new growth.

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Growing more coniferous trees is beneficial to the environment because they produce oxygen. They also provide a home for animals to live in.

Is afforestation destructive?

No. On the contrary, afforestation, the planting of new trees, is almost always constructive. It is beneficial for the atmosphere, removing carbon dioxide, and beneficial for the environment, sheltering birds and animals as well as stabilising the landscape.

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Plants that would be usefull in space: 1) kelp (kelp produces more oxygen then trees) 2)fruit trees 3) carrots ect.

What will happen to livingbeings when there is no trees?

Many living things will die. Tree-dwelling creatures will have no home, and will venture into human lands and soon die. All of the plant life surrounding the trees will die. Humans will also lose trees as a source of building material, and of oxygen. Trees are beneficial to life!

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