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Simply put, the lower the cholesterol in a diet, the higher quality of life the dieter could expect to have. To break that down, there are some specific elements that stand out. The lower the cholesterol, the greater the heart health and blood flow. These help prevent strokes and Heart disease, as well as risk of heart attack.

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the benefits of protein are the increase of muscles in body, building the cells, and repairing of tissues which are damaged(cuts, wounds, scratches).

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The best benefits of a high chlorestorl diet is that the amount of fats, and sodium intake is decreased. Lowering your cholesterol is great for your heart.

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Q: What are some benefits of a high cholesterol diet?
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Some High Cholesterol Diet Solutions?

If you are used to eating a high cholesterol diet, you may be suffering from high cholesterol yourself, and need to focus on eliminating some of the unhealthy fats from your diet. However, fat is often what keeps us full after our meals, as well as what satisfies us. Instead of eliminating fats if you have high cholesterol, make the switch to some heart healthy fats instead. Eat avocados on your sandwich instead of mayonnaise for a creamy texture and rich flavor. Start cooking with olive oil instead of vegetable oil to gain some benefits instead of adding to your cholesterol problems.

What are the advantages of a high cholesterol diet?

I'm no doctor but there actually are some advantages to a high cholesterol diet. Cholesterol aids in the function of cell strength and regulates blood pressure in the body.

Does a low cholesterol diet limit your use of salt?

A low cholesterol diet probably limits your use of salt as some things that are high in cholesterol usually have a high amount of salt in them and you would need to avoid these.

what are some low cholestral diet foods?

Low cholesterol diet foods are good for people who have high cholesterol. Some good low cholesterol diet foods are fruits (apples, bananas, pears), vegetables (peppers, broccoli, onions) and low fat dairy products. A good website to check out is

What is the best diet to follow for high cholesterol?

There are some specific and general diets for high cholesterol patients. How high is your cholesterol? Generally speaking, high fiber diets have shown to reduce bad cholesterol in the system. Decrease fatty food (especially food containing trans fats) and increase fiber.

Where can i find a good menu to keep my cholesterol low ?

There are many diets for high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol you should eat more fruits and vegetables. There are some suggestions here:

Please name some cholesterol lowering foods?

A high fiber diet low in fats is a great way to lower cholesterol. Therefore foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains are great way to lower cholesterol.

What's the best diet to reduce high cholesterol?

If you are looking to reduce high cholesterol, you should check out the Atkins diet. It has been around for some years now and works best for reducing your carb and cholesterol intake. By cutting our the bread products alone, you will accomplish much of this. The rest is just sleeping and exercising properly.

Where can I get information on how to lower cholesterol?

Lowering your cholesterol by diet and exercise alone can work in some cases, but if it's dangerously high, you'll want to follow your doctor's advice and take the cholesterol lowering medication he prescribes. Then you can start the diet and exercise program that may eventually free you from the medication.

What are some ways to lower cholesterol?

To lower cholesterol there are several things that can be done. Some of the options are medication, exercise, and a better diet. A website with all the information is

What are some questions about what people eat because they have like height Cholesterol?

If a person has high cholesterol it is worth assessing whether their diet contains many foods that are high in cholesterol and/or saturated fats. (i.e fatty cuts of meat, butter, chocolate, fried foods etc...) Serum cholesterol levels can be reduced by eating a healthier diet, however dietary intake of cholesterol only accounts for 1/3 of the level of cholesterol in the blood. The rest the body produces by itself.

Where can I go online to find some information on cholesterol diet menus? , , and offer good advice on cholesterol diet menus. It is highly recommended to check with your doctor about his or her recommendations on what cholesterol diet will be best for you.