

What are some benefits of stretching before excersising?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are some benefits of stretching before excersising?
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Before I started playing football I was doing some stretching

Does stretching make you slower or faster in swimming?

neither, but stretching helps not get a cramp and die, in some places not streching before swimming is illegal

What are good stretching exercises?

it depends what you stretching for. Like if your stretching before you run-it would be completley diffrent to stretches you'd do before you went trampolining ;D Hope this helps pet XX

What are the health benefits of iliotibial band stretching?

There are many benefits of iliotibial band stretching. Some of them are increasing the flow of blood to the muscles in the area and reduce the build up of lactic acid, alleviate pain and reduce the symptoms of IT band syndrome. And finally, if your muscles are fatigued and sore, it'll help to get rid of that.

What are some benefits of improving flexibility?

Stretching before you exercise is important because without doing such you may pull muscles or break/sprain your bones for easily or on the weaker side of the spectrum you may get stitches well attempting to exercise.

What is the best way to get loose before dancing?

The best way to get loose before dancing is to stretch and do some warm-up exercises. Stretching out leg, arm and torso muscles by stretching or warm-ups will ensure smooth dancing and lessen the chance of an injury.

What are the benefits to stretching What are some of the consequences to not stretching or rushing through a stretching routine?

Stretching is extremely beneficial to many different sports which can also include dance. Stretching reduces the risk of injury in physical activity and makes many different movements (mostly in the legs) less restricted. Rushing though any stretch overly fast or on cold muscles can heighten the risk of injury such as pulling a hamstring so it's important to make sure you're muscles are warm (some sort of 5-10 minute aerobic warm up works great). Try to avoid bouncing while stretching and stretching too far/too quickly.

What are some of the consequences to not stretching?

Stretching is commonly done after a brief warm-up, but before digging into a workout routine. It is not strictly necessary for every kind of exercise. Stretching trades a very small amount of direct power and speed for increased range of motion. If you're competing, stretching may decrease your performance. Slightly. However if you're about to do an exercise routine that requires flexibility, stretching may help reduce the likelihood of straining a muscle.

How should one warm up before push ups?

stretching your body legs and arms, makke sure your ready for some tough lifting :)

How do I prevent knee pain when running ?

Do some stretching exercises before you take your run. Taking a hot shower before a run will also warm up your muscles and help prevent in the knees.

What are some experiences with stretching before a run?

I always stretch before and after I run. It allows your body to loosen up and not get you injured. If you don't stretch, you also risk getting an injury or pulled muscle.

How can you help prevent muscle injury?

You can prevent muscular injury as a result of exercise by warming-up and cooling-down before and after any moderate to high intensity exercise. How long a warm-up should take varies depending on the activity the individual is preparing for. Stretching as part of a warm-up, while considered by some to have mixed benefits and risks, is generally accepted to be beneficial. However, some stretching, e.g., ballistic stretching, is believed to do more harm than good, and should therefore be avoided.Here is a list of some of the benefits that may come from warming-up before exercise:Warming-up results in the increased production of synovial-fluid, which minimises the friction between joints.It causes the capillaries in your body to dilate, which means that a greater volume of blood is able to reach your muscles.It promotes the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, which is used for energy in metabolic reactions.strong flexibility (apex)