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Q: What are some colonial boy's names?
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What are a lot of good colonial names for boys?

Some good names were - ------------------------------- michael, mark, john, peter, mark,& zacharia.

What the names first?

Some of the names that were popular during History was Elizabeth for girls and William for boys (Colonial Times). Then during the 50's and so on names such as Dick for boys, and Jillian for girls started to become even more popular than colonial names. Think Baby also has some great names that were used back then too. :0)

What are some colonial last names for girls?

There aren't "last names for girls" and "last names for boys." Its just last names. For the first names there are names for different genders, but not for the last names. Some last names are: Zamora, Smith, Turner, Williams

What are common colonial slave names?

Common colonial slave names for boys- Matthew, John, Jacob, Felix, Jeremiah, et cetera Common colonial slave names for girls- Dorthy, Celia, et cetera. I hope this helps!

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What are some good colonial names for fathers?

This LINK is a copy of the actual census from Colonial Three Rivers!

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What are some good names for boys?


What are some very Common colonial last names from colonial Roanoke island?

Common colonial last names from Roanoke Island could include Dare, White, Harvie, Wilson, and Payne. These names were prevalent among settlers and families who were present in the area during the colonial era.

What are some popular baby names for boys?

Some popular boy names are Michael and John.

What are famous postcolonial names?

colonial names are names that people had in colonial times. SOme include George Washington, thomas Jefferson, john Adams, Abigail Adams, and Benjamin Franklin and mary

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Some Indonesian baby names for boys: * Kurniawan * Pradipto * Arif * Reza * Anshar * Irfan * Farel * Bimo * Eko