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The main danger was disease. Because the slaves were in such tight quarters and the hatch was closed, disease spread rapidly. Also poor nutrition and the fact that they had nowhere to go to the bathroom except the floor also contributed to disease. Only 20-80% survived the voyage from Africa to the New World.

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Q: What are some dangers for slaves in the middle passage?
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What were the conditions like on the middle passage?

on the middle passage slaves were taken on deck to wach other people beeing toucherd by the slave traders. some slaves couldn't take it and killed then selves

Were there nice people in the middle passage?

Yes, there were some doctors who felt sympathy for the slaves.

How did some africans resist enslavement during the middle passage?

Other slaves resisted their captors by drowning or starving themselves.

What were some dangers escaped slaves faced?

Some dangers escaped slaves faced included being captured and returned to their owners, encountering hostile individuals or groups who opposed their freedom, and facing harsh living conditions, such as lack of shelter, food, and resources while attempting to reach freedom. Additionally, they were at risk of injury or even death while navigating unfamiliar territories and evading pursuit.

What did the slaves do to escape the misery of the middle passage?

To cope with the misery of the middle passage, some slaves turned to music, dance, storytelling, and spiritual practices as a form of resistance and survival. These cultural expressions helped them to maintain their sense of identity and community in the face of harsh conditions and dehumanization.

What are some dangers of the middle ages?

you can get ill or be attacked by an animal

What were some of the worst dangers and challenges that runaway slaves faced?

death or bad injuries

What were some of the conditions of African slaves during the middle passage?

The conditions were grossly inhuman. The middle passage, from Africa to the Americas, was marked by starvation, disease, and cruelty. The slaves were tightly packed below decks and had little fresh air, and received only enough food and water to keep them alive. They were manacled or tied together in hot and dank cargo holds, with little or no toilet facilities.

Why was the middle passage so horrific?

The effects of the middle passage is shown in the following: They didn't have any proper sanitation they suffered from diseases such as smallpox and missals and below deck was so intolerable that no one could stay there for any period of time some of the slaves even jumped overboard either because they had misses their family or their tribes some of the slaves were even forced to exercise for when they had to be sold

What was the trip taken by slaves across the anlantic ocean called?

The trip taken by slaves across the Atlantic Ocean was called the Middle Passage. It was the second leg of the triangular trade route, which also included trade between Europe and Africa, and between the Americas and Europe. The Middle Passage was a horrific journey, and many slaves died from disease, malnutrition, and abuse. Here are some of the conditions that slaves faced during the Middle Passage: They were packed tightly into the holds of ships, often with no more than 6 square feet of space per person. They were chained together, and they were not allowed to move around freely. They were given very little food and water, and they were often forced to drink their own urine. They were exposed to disease, and many died from illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, and yellow fever. They were often beaten and abused by the crew of the ship. The Middle Passage was a long and dangerous journey, and it is estimated that between 10 and 20 million Africans died during the voyage. Those who survived the Middle Passage were then forced to work as slaves in the Americas. The Middle Passage was a dark chapter in human history, and it is important to remember the suffering that millions of Africans endured during this period.

What do you think would be some of the dangers of being a slave trader?

Some dangers of being a slave trader include legal repercussions, potential violent backlash from abolitionist groups, and the perpetuation of human rights abuses leading to moral and ethical implications.

What were some of the worst dangers and challenges runaway slaves faced?

Hunters and people catching them and being killed.