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Any scenario in which one does not consider the point of view of the "other person". We are all the other person to the another person. That guy or gal. If one places themselves in a situation in which he/she imagines themselves as switching places with whom ever he/she in interacting with and views his/her actions from a different perspective, it then becomes the opposite of egoism.

Egoism is not considering the fact that one is not alone in the world and thus experiencing life from a sort of movie perspective. Of course he/she thinks of themselves as the main character when the truth is that we are all background cast in the movie of life.

Here's 1 example:


People who tailgate are acting out of egoism. It increases the chances of death if an accident occurs of some situation in which the brakes need to be slammed on. They do not consider this (in some cases) and feel as if their agenda is more important than endangering the life of the human(s) in the other vehicle. They do not put themselves in the other persons shoes because they are late, wanna go with the flow (follow others- break the speed limit), etc.

Basically, it's not considering the following thought or something related to it in your head when doing something that will effect others: "Would I want to experience how I'm affecting other people?" In a way it's an ignorant evil.

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Q: What are some examples of Psychological egoism?
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