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Trade, Marriage and Postal Services and the other heads of power listed in sections 51 of the Constitution.

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Q: What are some examples of specific powers in the Australian constitution?
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Related questions

What is the document that lists the powers of the Australian government called?

The powers of the commonwealth parliament is listed in the Australian Constitution, principally in section 51.

How did the Australian government orignate?

It originates from the offices created, and the powers vested to it by the Australian Constitution, which came into effect in 1901.

Which defines the specific powers and authority of Congress?

Articles of the constitution

The specific powers of the president come from?

The powers of the President are given in the United States Constitution. article II,section 2.

The facts above are all examples of the principle in the US Constitution?

separation of powers

What BEST describes the term enumerated powers?

Enumerated powers are specific powers granted to Congress by the Constitution.

Which article are the powers of the congress listed in?

Congress' powers are listed in Article one of the Constitution. Specific powers are enumerated in section eight. Congress has expressed powers that are written in the Constitution and implied powers that are not expressed.

A specific list of state powers was not part of the original US Constitution because?

the u.s constitution would not be ratified

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Where are specific powers of congress enumerated?

Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.

Who assigned congresses duties?

The duties of congress were assigned by the Constitution. Article I one of the Constitution describes the specific powers of congress.

What are 3 examples of implied powers?

Three examples implied powers not expressed in the US Constitution are the income tax, military draft, and deleting a coin from the treasury. There are others that are enforced by statute.