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If you have any questions about someone feeling suicidal, call the Suicide Hot-line! You can ask them for examples and suggestions about how you can handle it. If you're concerned they may be serious, call 911.

People who are feeling suicidal do not become more suicidal if you ask questions or talk openly about it. It actually helps them feel better that someone cares to ask. It is better if they get angry rather than feeling hopeless. People who are thinking of suicide are depressed, feeling hopeless &/or being abused and don't see there's anything they can do about it. It is better to tell someone who can help even if you agreed that you wouldn't tell anyone. If they feel betrayed, they'll live to appreciate your concern. If they're under 18, call the hot-line asap to see who you should contact about it.

Whether they are threatening to kill themselves for purposes of manipulation, take it VERY seriously and call 911 regardless of how upset they might get with you. Whether or not they were serious, it's the best way to keep them from trying to manipulate you or someone else again. You are NOT responsible for how they act out their feelings!

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Q: What are some examples of suicidal dialog?
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WikiAnswers is not a picture site. You'll have to use your search engine to find pictures.

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In some types of opera and operetta, there is spoken dialog between musical numbers to advance the plot. But in "Grand Opera", traditionally every word of what would normally be dialog is sung.

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Suicidal Ideation .

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Some people say they are, but if you actually read between the lines of their lyrics you'll find out that there's actually meaning to it. Not suicidal stuff.

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Well i think it is when people are talking but it is a poem... like rhyming when a person is talking...... Hope this helps a little :)

Can there be a script without dialog?

Absolutely a script can contain no dialog. Film is a visual medium, after all, and a viewer must be able to follow the story without any words. The 2011 film, The Artist, is a great example of a film without any -- or much -- dialog. Silent movies produced pre-late-1920s are also good examples of stories without dialog. They contain dialog, which is presented as text during the scene, but often the text is unnecessary because so much of the story can be understood visually. Plus, the 2015 movie, Minions, is another example of 'no dialog' because the characters' dialog is essentially gibberish.

What kind of dialog boxes does Microsoft Office programs use for performing actions such as opening and saving files?

There are a wide range of Microsoft Office programs, so there is a wide range of dialog boxes. There are some that they all use, sometimes referred to as Common Dialog boxes. These would include the Open Dialog box, the Save Dialog box and the Print Dialog Box. Others are similar, but not exactly the same in each application, such as formatting dialog boxes.

Is suicidal a noun?

No the word suicidal is not a noun. It is an adjective.