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Q: What are some examples of symphysis in the body?
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Examples of moveable joints?

pubic symphysis and the intervertebral joints

What type of joint is found at the pubic symphysis?

The pubic symphysis joint is a cartilaginous joint (gliding joint) that allows limited movement. It can give way slightly during childbirth. A person has another type of symphysis joint in the mandible. This joint is at the point of the chin.

By what name is the junction between the manubrium and the sternal body known?

Manubriosternal symphysis

What is the prefix of symphysis?

The prefix of symphysis is sy- which means together.

What type of joint is the xiphisternal joint?

the joint is a symphysis and is the region where the body of the sternum articulates with the xiphoid process

What joins the two os coxae at the anterior junction of these bones?

Symphysis Pubis/ Pubic Symphysis

What is the term for Symphysis?

Symphysis is a term that is used to refer to the fibrocartilaginous fusion between two bones.

What is the meaning of symphysis?

An articulation formed by intervening cartilage; as, the pubic symphysis., The union or coalescence of bones; also, the place of union or coalescence; as, the symphysis of the lower jaw. Cf. Articulation.

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Where is fibrocartilage found in the body?

Symphysis pubis, intervertebral discs, menisci, tmj, and annulus fibrous

What are examples of slightly movable joints?

The most common slightly movable joints are the joints between the vertebrae. Two more are found in pelvis: the sacroiliac and the symphysis pubis joints.

The point where coxal bones join anteriorly?

The coxal bones join anteriorly at the pubic symphysis.