

What are some examples of the circulatory system?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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7y ago

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Heart, veins, arteries, capillaries.

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Q: What are some examples of the circulatory system?
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All organs are fed by the circulatory system. Examples include the skin, stomach, uterus, brain, kidneys, and spleen.

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The cadiovascular system, sometimes called the circulatory system when it includes the lymphatic system.

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oh ok

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Diseases that affect both the immune system and circulatory system include temporal arteritis and other autoimmune vasculitides, immune-modulated hemolytic anemias, and lupus-related heart disease, for a few examples.

What is the close circulatory system and open circulatory system?

Closed circulatory systems have blood that does not flow in defined blood vessels. Examples are insects and how their organs are bathed continually in "blood". Open circulatory systems have blood that flows in vessels. Humans have this system as blood flows in veins, arteries and capillaries.

What are examples of open circulatory system?

earth worm, grasshopper cockroach,snail and molluscians

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