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Q: What are some examples of ways people use the term o'clock to define a location?
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People would have to use a map.

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Etymologically religion binds people to stay in a group- a herd instinct;then refinements follow religion binds you to your family. it binds you to your faith it binds you to ideologies. all acts of devotion---examples

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I don't know much, but at 11 oclock, they have a minute of silence in respect for the dead.

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Many features of using the Myspace engine would be the ones that categorize one's search, one can define their search to be just people or bands or location.

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People's feelings and attitudes about an area help shape its cultural region. The collective perceptions and experiences of residents and visitors influence how a place is perceived and the identity it holds within a larger geographic context. This emotional and social relationship with a location can define the essence of a region beyond just its physical boundaries.

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If you go to the dentist at 9 AM and four people have to get there teeth cleaned then what time will you be done at the dentist?

If I go to the dentist and nine oclock and four people have to get there teeth done what time should i get back?

1:20 because it usually takes an hour.

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How did abrahim Lincoln define the word democracy?

Government of the people, by the people, for the people

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When people have a hard time.

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Define popular sovereighty?

The people control the government.