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i bit my tongue.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 2d ago
  1. "I accidentally used a swear word because I was trying to remember a quote from a movie or book, and it slipped out."
  2. "I was discussing a controversial topic and the intensity of the conversation led me to use a strong word inadvertently."
  3. "I was quoting a song or a piece of dialogue from a show, but I realize now that I should have been more mindful of my language in a school environment."
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Q: What are some excuses for swearing in school for when saying it then the reason i said it in a different way?
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No. It is used instead of swearing.

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Not to my knowledge, which, admittedly, may be lacking. Different countries/regions/languages have different meanings for the same symbol. So be careful! You may not be "saying" what you THINK you're saying.

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no, but you can get banned for swearing, saying where u live, etc.

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not if the swearing is part of their tic. everything about tourettes is involuntary. there really is no way to control it. you can try to condition yourself into saying different words. i have successfully done it once

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cuz swearing is fun... and it gives tone to what your saying.

Can you turn off the swearing in call of duty modern warfare on the ps3?

Its Rated M for Mature Without the Swearing it won't be that much thrilling. You can Mute People if there saying bad things to you if that's what you mean.

What does it mean to call someone 'be'?

They probably aren't saying 'Be' and are saying 'B'. Calling someone a B is a shortened version of 'bitch' but shortening it so there isn't swearing involved.

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