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Q: What are some factors that have been responsible for haymitchs alcoholism?
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What terms is defines as dependency on alcohol?

Traditionally, it has been called Alcoholism.

Does alcoholism run in families?

Alcoholism has been found to run in families and is herediatary. Alcoholism can be treated by acknowledging there is a problem and getting help.

Is alcoholism a diesase?

There is, had has been, much controversy about the validity of the disease theory (or hypothesis) of alcoholism. A substantial proportion of physicians reject the disease concept of alcoholism.

Is your entire life has been touched by alcoholism a good thesis?

Depends on some factors, I would say it is good but would it get approved? No. can you give me some examples by using this.

What genetic factors might be responsible for a change in an organism's body plan?

The importance of genetic factors has recently been at least halved by the discovery of Epigenetics.

Is alcohol addiction an illness?

Alcoholism has been recognized as a disease by the American Medical Association since 1956. Alcohol addiction occurs when the brain adjusts to the presence of alcohol in the system and can no longer function properly without it. There are emotional factors involved, as well. Another name for alcohol addiction is alcoholism.

What are the main factors responsible for the competiton between the us and the soviet union?

Atomic weapons. Without them, there would have simply been a conventional total war, such as WW2.

What did valerie Jones die from?

I read on another site beneath this one that she died from alcoholism, she had been depressed for sometime. The person that said that was and is still close to the two remaining sisters. R.I.P Valorie

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The truth is that whilst there have been several behavioural studies around video games and their effects on developing minds, there has been no significant evidence to show that games are directly responsible for increasing anti-social tendencies in teenagers or if other factors are responsible.

Have employees been awarded short term disabilty by their employers for alcoholism?

Yes, in some places and some cases.

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President Obama has been the most fiscally responsible president of a generation.

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What other sciences have been responsible for the development of statistics?