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Marybeth Tinning in upstate New York. She had one of her kids die of natural causes... then she offed her others till she ran out. She then had some more... and offed them too. Having a shortage of kids to kill... she adopted one... and killed it. Ran a couple more out the chute and into the grave. I think her total was 8 or 9 dead children. The authorities had suspicions, but no proof, and got it too late to save any of the youngins. Needless to say, she has been denied parole to date, and her husband stands by her still... some 30 or 40 years later??? I have a MBP ex who put 2 of my 3 in the hospital. I caught it and fought her attempts to medically abuse my children... but she did an awful lot... with the courts and professionals watching... and almost got away with it. It's an illness that defies any sense of logic to the point that most people just can't get their heads around it. Most cases go undetected... fame only comes with a failure.

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Q: What are some famous cases of munchausen by proxy syndrome?
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What is the term for a mother who deliberately makes her child ill so that the mother can feel needed?

Munchausen syndrome/Munchausen by proxy Munchausen syndrome/Munchausen by proxy

What are some cases of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome?

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is an mental illness that manifests in a parent, where they seek to gain attention through harming their child. An example would be the case of famous rapper, Marshall Mathers, who claimed that his mother would purposely make him sick so that she could get attention from doctors and other parents.

Where does this name come from Münchausen syndrome by proxy?

it comes from a man who was very untruthfull munchausen

Would a person with Munchausen by proxy simulate Asperger's Syndrome in a child?

Before pediatricians and psychiatrists were familiar with Asperger's Syndrome, some of them thought the parents who said there was something wrong with their children were exaggerating, delusional, over-protective, and, in some cases, abusive parents with Munchausen by proxy. (For mention of parents being thought to have Munchausen by proxy because their children had AS, see the links below.) I do not know of Munchausen by proxy cases where the parent or guardian attempted to make the child appear to have Asperger's Syndrome, but this does not mean it has not happened. There are other conditions that would be easier to fake by giving the child medicines or chemicals, since some of the social skills impairments (lack of eye contact, avoidance of social contact) would be harder to replicate with drugs. However, many medical professionals' unfamiliarity with Asperger's Syndrome diagnoses could make it an attractive option for Munchausen by proxy, since the professionals might not have been exposed to it previously. Asperger's Syndrome also has the advantage of not being able to be diagnosed with laboratory tests. However, using Asperger's Syndrome means the parent might need to engage in lengthy descriptions of AS before receiving the desired sympathy and attention from others. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a definitive answer on whether the condition of Asperger's has been the goal of an abusive parent via Munchausen by proxy.

What is a cultural healing practice that may be confused with child abuse a.Shaken Baby Syndrome b. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome c. Immersion D. Moxibustion?


What has the author Herbert A Schreier written?

Herbert A. Schreier has written: 'Hurting for love' -- subject(s): Diagnosis, Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Therapy

Who is the lead singer in munchausen by proxy?

Zooey Deschanel.

What is the mental disorder that causes you to fake sickness for attention?

Munchausen by proxy

What is the cause of Munchausen syndrome?

Munchausen syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which those affected fake disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. It is in a class of disorders known as factitious disorders which involve "illnesses" whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome. In Munchausen syndrome, the affected person exaggerates or creates symptoms of illnesses in themselves in order to gain investigation, treatment, attention, sympathy, and comfort from medical personnel. In some extremes, people suffering from Munchausen's Syndrome are highly knowledgeable about the practice of medicine, and are able to produce symptoms that result in multiple unnecessary operations. For example, they may inject a vein with infected material, causing widespread infection of unknown origin, and as a result cause lengthy and costly medical analyses and prolonged hospital stay. The role of "patient" is a familiar and comforting one, and it fills a psychological need in people with Munchausen's. It is distinct from hypochondria in that patients with Munchausen syndrome are aware that they are exaggerating, while sufferers of hypochondria actually believe they have a disease. In many cases, a similar behavior called Munchausen syndrome by proxy has been documented in the parent or guardian of a child. The adult ensures that his or her child will experience some medical affliction, therefore compelling the child to suffer treatment for a significant portion of their youth in hospitals. Furthermore, a disease may actually be initiated in the child by the parent or guardian. Regardless of the mental health of the adult, this is a serious form of child abuse. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is considered distinct from Munchausen syndrome, see Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

What disorder by proxy is a form of child abuse?

Munchausen's by Proxy. Where a parent or caregiver injures or sickens a child to garner sympathy for themselves.

What are the characteristics of Munchausen by proxy?

Munchausen by proxy is the name given to factitious disorders in children produced by parents or other caregivers. The parent may falsify the child's medical history or tamper with laboratory tests in order to make the child.

When a parent or caregiver deliberately causes a child's illness to get attention the parent has?

Munchausen via proxy