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Here are some foods you need to avoid (but not limited to):

  1. Mayonnaise
  2. Fatty foods
  3. Pork
  4. Avocado
  5. Junk foods
  6. Chicken
  7. Eggs
  8. Beef
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12y ago

Some foods that you should avoid with high cholesterol are: meat, fish, low fat yogurt/milk, bread, fresh fruits, popcorn, steak, and vegetables in butter.

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Q: What are some of the food you should avoid is you have high cholesterol?
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Are there any high cholesterol food that I should avoid?

There are many high cholesterol foods that one might want to avoid. In general, avoiding fatty foods is a good way to lower cholesterol. When one does eat fats, one should stick to monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats and avoid trans fats. Meat and dairy products should be avoided.

What are the high cholesterol foods I should avoid?

Egg yolks are perhaps the number one food high in cholesterol that should be avoided. The yolk of an egg contains more cholesterol than any other food. Egg whites are fine to eat. Butter is another food that should be eliminated from the diet because it is very unhealthy. Margarine is a good substitution for butter. Whenever possible, saturated oils should be avoided. Cheese is a high in cholesterol food that should not be included in the diet. Low-fat cheeses are the better choice. Fatty meats and shellfish such as steak, hamburger, ribs, roasts, clams, shrimp and oysters are high in cholesterol and should also be avoided.

What food should I avoid if I have high blood pressure?

Generally speaking, you should avoid foods with a high fat and sodium and cholesterol content. Try foods like fish, grains, and beans and avoid things like dairy and cheese.

Why do food labels say no sodium then salt is listed in the ingredient sections?

Not much. If a food is vastly high in cholesterol, those with high cholesterol will know to avoid it. However most foods do not need a cholesterol label for people to know that it's high in cholesterol - you can just look at the ingredients if necessary and judge by the amount and order of high cholesterol products listed.

Which types of high cholesterol foods should be avoided?

You should avoid organ meats, egg yolks, and butter if you have high cholesterol. Any high-fat foods are also ones that should no longer be included in your diet.

What is good food for high cholesterol?

You should consult your doctor for ways to lower your cholesterol. Cheerios helps lower cholesterol.

Should someone with high cholesterol eat bananas?

Bananas are a good food for someone with high cholesterol. The high levels of potassium are a great help for healthy heart action which can be affected by high cholesterol.

Bob has a high level of triglycerides in his blood which tye of food Bob should avoid is this food type contain polar or nonpolar triglycerides what part of the cell are these used to make?

Bob should avoid food contain high cholesterol content such as french fries, butter etc. These are polar and make oil droplets which accumulate in adipocyte cells generally of liver heart and muscles.

What foods have high cholesterol and impact one's health?

Foods high in fat or greasy foods are the foods you want to avoid the most. They contain high amounts of cholesterol normally and should be avoided at all cost.

What foods are known to be high in cholesterol?

There are tons of foods high in cholesterol including french fries, fried chicken,mac n cheese, whole milk, butter, and cheese just to name a few to avoid. For more info on this check out webmd.

Would a high cholesterol diet make my cholesterol get to high?

Depending on the types of food that you eat, you may or may not have high cholesterol. If you're not sure about how much cholesterol is in the food you eat, either check the labeling or ask the manager of the restaurant for information regarding the food's cholesterol.

What foods are high in colesterol?

Potatoes are one food that are high in cholesterol. There are also beef, eggs, pork, and lamb. See the related link below for more information.Potatoes are one food that are high in cholesterol. See the related link below for more info.Foods high in cholesterol generally belong to the protein group of the food pyramid. These can include eggs and red meat, as well as cheeses and other dairy products. This would include many home cooked favorites like scrambled eggs, cheeseburgers and macaroni and cheese.