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There are a few foods that are main contributors to causing heartburn. Some include tangy citrus fruits such as Oranges and grapefruits, garlic, tomatoes, onions, and spicy foods or foods loaded with peppers and too many spices.

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Q: What are some foods that can cause heartburn?
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Can you tell me which foods cause heartburn and acid reflux?

If you have heartburn or acid reflux disease eating foods can be challenging. You need to stay away from very spicy foods as they cause flare ups.���heartburn-gerd/guide/���heartburn-foods-to-avoid

What can cause heartburn?

There are several causes of heartburn. Some of the most frequent causes are from eating fatty and fried foods, eating tomatoes or tomato based foods or drinking alcohol.

What are some of the foods that can cause heartburn?

Any food with a high acidic nature such as oranges and grapefruit with trigger heartburn. Tomatoes,garlic and onion are other culprits. For a full list check out

What kinds of foods cause heartburn?

To avoid heartburn one should avoid spicy foods, garlic and onions, grapefruit juice and orange juice, and many other foods.

Can strong coffee cause heartburn?

Heartburn is experienced when acid from the stomach passes back into the food pipe causing irritation and pain. Coffee and many other foods increase acid secretion in the stomach, but this does not necessarily cause heartburn; although for some people it might. What is recommended is to be aware of the foods that cause this and avoid it.

Where do I need to go to find out more about heartburn food?

Foods that typically cause heartburn include spicy things or foods made with pepper, onions, or garlic. Also tomato products can make heartburn worse in some people. Eating late at night should be avoided. Caffeine and carbonated drinks can cause heartburn also.

Can bananas cause heartburn?

Heartburn is not caused by just certain foods. It is caused by gastric reflux and hyperacidity in the stomach. Yes, a banana could cause heartburn.

What is the general PH level for foods that cause heartburn?

The general PH level for foods that cause heartburn is around a pH level of about 4. It depends on the status of your stomach before getting heartburn (e.g. whether your stomach is resistant to acidic foods initially)

Does zicam cause heartburn?

For some people it will cause heartburn

What foods cause heartburn consistently?

If you are experiencing heartburn you should avoid fatty foods, alcohol, foods that have a lot of acid or are very spicy. Avoiding all these foods will help with your problem.

Are there any foods that can decrease heartburn?

While there aren't any foods that can prevent heartburn, you can try avoiding foods that cause heartburn. Stay away from spicy and 'heavy' foods to stop it from coming.

What foods generally cause heartburn?

The top 10 foods known to cause heartburn include; chocolate, carbonated beverages, peppermint, caffeine. cheese, nuts, avocadoes, tangy citrus fruits, tomatoes, garlic & onion and spicy foods. For more information you can refer to