

What are some funny jokes about school?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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11y ago

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Here are some Funny school jokes Staring:

Brad and Jill

Teacher: Jill, I've had to send you to the principal's office every day this week! What do you have to say for yourself?

Jill: TGIF

Principal: Brad, did you really call your teacher a meanie?

Brad: Yes.

Principal: And is it true you called her a wicked old witch?

Brad: Yes, it's true.

Principal: And did you also call her a tomato-nosed beanbag?

Brad: No, but I'll remember that for next time!

Teacher: Jill, If I put a dozen marbles in my right pocket, 15 marbles in my left pocket, and 30 marbles in my back pocket, what would I have?

Jill: Heavy pants!

Brad's mother and Brad's teacher happen to be good friends, so his mom invited her over for dinner one night.

Teacher: Brad, be a dear and pass the potato salad.

Brad: No ma'am, I think I'll flunk it.

Jill: Isn't our principal stupid?

Girl: Hey, do you know who I am?

Jill: No, why should I?

Girl: I'm the principal's daughter!

Jill: Do you know who I am?

Girl: No.

Jill: Thank goodness!

Teacher: Brad, will you please finish you're homework! You know, if you try to enjoy it, you could have some fun!

Brad: I don't know how math could be sum fun!

Teacher:Class, someone has stolen my purse out of my desk. It had $100 in it. I know you're all basically good kids, so I'm willing to offer a reward of $10 to whoever returns it.

Jill: I'M OFFERING $20!

Teacher: Quiet down class for goodness sake! I can't even here myself think!

Brad: *yawn* you're not missing much.

Teacher: Jill, if you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many would you have?

Jill: one dollar.

Teacher: You don't know your arithmetic!

Jill: No, you don't know my father!

Father: So Brad, how was your first day of school?

Brad: It was fine.

Father: What did you learn?

Brad: Not enough. They want me to come back tomorrow.

Teacher: Jill, I found out you cheated on your test, so I'm going to change you A+ to an F. Do you have anything to say?

Jill: That's pretty degrading.

When Brad was younger, he hated school from the start. So one day, he tried to get out of going by faking a phone call to the principal.

Brad (On the phone): I'm sorry, but my son Brad will not be able to attend school today.

Principal: Why not?

Brad: He's sick.

Principal: Oh, well that's too bad. And whom am I talking?

Brad: This is my mother speaking.

Substitute teacher: Are you Chewing Gum, young lady?

Jill: I'm not Chewing Gum! I'm Jillian Leaverman!

Brad: Would you punish me for something I didn't do?

Teacher: Why, of course not!

Brad: Good. Because I didn't do my homework.

When Jill was younger, she put on her shoes for the first time. Her mother noticed that her left shoe was on her right foot.

Mother: Honey, I think your shoes are on the wrong feet

Jill: No mom, I know these are my feet.

A bully is picking on Brad's little sister, so he runs up and shoves the bully and says, "Hey quit picking on my sister you jerk! That's my job!"

Jill (When she was younger): Daddy, are caterpillars good to eat?

Father: No. What makes you ask a question like that?

Jill: You had one in your salad, but it's gone now.

More could be coming... If I can get ahold of some more.

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