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Says the murderer....

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Q: What are some good comebacks for when people have a go at you for being vegetarian?
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There are no good comebacks for ex's.

What is the definition of a vegetarian?

Vegetarian is where you do not eat any meat or seafood. Some people do not eat garlic or onion. vegetarian can be a choice or religion. Being is a vegetarian is good as most of the sickness and virus comes from the meats bacteria

Good comebacks to people who say the last word?

If you played hide and seek, no one would want to find you.

What are good comebacks when someone calls you dumb?

I know you are but what am I.

What are good comebacks when people talk about to you?

If you got somethin to say, say it to my face. O i forgot, yaw aint real!

What are good comebacks to i hate you?

Don't worry, the feeling is mutual!

What are good comebacks for druggie insults?

There is nothing, because you shouldn't be a druggie.

Good comebacks when people call you fat when your not?

When people call me fat. ( witch im not) i use these. 1: because my weight can be fixed. unfortunately your face cant. 2: Because someone had to make you feel better about being so ugly, so i got fat.

Is it good to become a vampire?

Not if you're a vegetarian, can't stand blood, and like being tanned.

What are some good classy comebacks for girls?

A good classy comeback for a girl is "that is why there is only one me".

What are good comebacks to someone who says you blew up my phone?

"If it exploded, how am I talking to you?"

Any good comebacks you could use when people say your too quiet because it's really getting you down?

How about: "Maybe you're too noisy."