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carboydrates, just not fatty foods, which increases bad cholesterol

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Q: What are some good foods to increase calorie intake?
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What are fats good sources?

Good sources of fats are olive oils and Nuts. Walnuts are especially high in good oils and can be used in moderation to increase calorie intake without increasing sugar or carbohydrate intake.

What are some low calorie foods that are high in protein?

There are low calorie foods such as lean cuts of meat, beans, and legumes are some of the high protein low calorie foods that would work good in a low calorie diet.

What kinds of foods are best to include in a diet for high cholestol (for a person with high cholesterol, that is).?

Some foods good for people who have high cholestrol are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Also, limit your intake of high fat and high calorie foods.

How to Gain Weight in a Healthy Way?

If you need to gain weight, the rule of thumb is to consume more calories than you burn. While eating high calorie junk food can help you put on weight, the over consumption of nutritionally empty calories can cause damage to your health. Instead, increase your intake of calories by adding high calorie, but nutrient dense foods like nuts, avocados, lean meats, and full fat dairy products. Adding other good fats like olive oil or butter to your food is another way to increase your calorie intake without sacrificing your health.

What are good foods to eat on a calorie controlled diet?


What foods should I be avoiding to lower my risk of getting Osteoporosis?

There are no foods that can make you "escape" osteoporosis. You can increase your calcium intake to try and help you prevent it, or the side effects. Good luck and check with your doctor.

How important is it to intake low calorie meals while dieting?

I think it's more important to eat nutritious meals than just focusing on low-calorie foods while dieting. A good diet is accompanied by exercise, so you need calories if you are going to burn them. What is

Is good weight loss advice simply eat less and exercise more?

That is the good advice for losing weight because if you limit your caloric intake and increase your calorie burn, you will inevitably lose weight without harming yourself.

Eating foods such as fruits that are low in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake true or fals?

It is true. High calorie foods tend to have fats and sugars that contain many more calories than fruit. The sugars contained in fruit also hold less calories than normal sugar. It will also help keep the sugar cravings at bay if you are trying to diet. Bear in mind that some fruits such as bananas tend to have quite a lot of calories in (over 100). A low calorie diet does not necessarily mean eating low calorie foods. The higher calorie foods can be very good for you.

Is the 2000 calorie diet a good way to lose weight?

Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.

What is a good fast weight loss diet?

Just watch what you eat, cut your normal calorie intake to half and then slowly go down to a normal calorie intake. Exercise religiously three to seven times a week.

What foods besides bananas are high in potassium?

There are lots of other foods that are high in potassium. Potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, tuna, cucumber, and strawberries are all good choices if you want to increase your potassium intake with something besides bananas.