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The Longest Day, it is both a book and a movie. The cast of the movie has over 40 int. stars like Sean Connery and John Wayne. The book is by Cornelies Ryan. (Movie and book Almost identical.) They follow the Germans, And Americans An excellent book about Pearl Harbour is Day of Infamy by the late Walter Lord. An excellent movie about Army Nurses in the Philippines, 1941-42 is So Proudly We Hail!, starring Claudette Colbert, Veronica Lake, George Reeves (Superman on TV in the 1950's) & Paulette Goddard (one of Charlie Chaplin's ex-wives). Richard V. Horrell WW 2 For "D-Day" the "Longest Day" (as already recommended) is great, and the "50th Anniversary video" version is in color, and they did a good job. The book is excellent as well. Another book, with the German view of the battle, that I enjoy is: "Invasion - They're Coming" by Paul Carell (It is an old book, from 1963, possibly available in used book stores or on An additional recommendation for the Pearl Harbor attack, which includes the background, is "Tora,Tora,Tora." Originally the movie was in the Japanese language for that side (with sub-titles), however I have heard that recent versions have translated the Japanese parts. This is good, because on a television set the sub-titles could be rather hard to read. I do not know if there is a book by that name that is parallel the movie. Hope this helps, John Don't forget the movie "Tora, Tora, Tora!" Excellent Japanese and American representation.

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For World War II D-Day, some good movies are "Saving Private Ryan" and "The Longest Day." For books, "Band of Brothers" by Stephen E. Ambrose and "The Longest Day" by Cornelius Ryan are highly recommended. For Pearl Harbor, the movie "Pearl Harbor" (2001) and the book "At Dawn We Slept" by Gordon W. Prange are popular choices.

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