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If you have recently found out from your doctor about a high cholesterol problem, changing your diet can make a huge difference. Whole grains have been proven to lower cholesterol levels across the board, and have many other positive healthy effects as well.

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12y ago

If you are trying to avoid eating foods high in cholesterol then avoid dairy such as high fat content milks, yogurts and eggs. Also avoid fatty meats like bacon and ham, Hamburgers etc. Foods that are okay to eat on a high cholesterol diet would be dark leafy greens and roughage. Fruits and vegetables are a very healthy alternative.

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12y ago

If you have high cholesterol and want to lower it you should eat nuts, fruits and vegetables. Limit high fat content and dairy products which can increase cholesterol.

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Does a low cholesterol diet limit your use of salt?

A low cholesterol diet probably limits your use of salt as some things that are high in cholesterol usually have a high amount of salt in them and you would need to avoid these.

How exactly does high cholesterol diet plan works?

A high cholesterol diet plan works by giving you a list of cholesterol free foods, so that way you can lower your cholesterol. These foods include things like fruits and veggies as well as whole grains.

what are some low cholestral diet foods?

Low cholesterol diet foods are good for people who have high cholesterol. Some good low cholesterol diet foods are fruits (apples, bananas, pears), vegetables (peppers, broccoli, onions) and low fat dairy products. A good website to check out is

Where can I find out more about high cholesterol diet?

You can find more information about the high cholesterol diet. You can get information at and

Where can I find more information on high cholesterol diet?

In a high cholesterol diet you would focus on eating low fat and high fiber foods. You can learn more at

What is a good diet to lower my cholesterol?

A good diet to lower your cholesterol would include cutting out all foods high in cholesterol, like red meat. You should be eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains like oats to help lower your cholesterol.

Why is cholestoral good?

There is good HDL and bad LDL cholesterol. Both are in our bodies all the time. Bad cholesterol can be hereditary, or come from a diet high in fat and junky food. Good cholesterol comes from exercising and foods high in "good " fat. We need good fat in our diet everyday, but the bad fats we need to stay away from.

How do I find information about a high cholesterol diet?

You can find lots of information online and in books at your local library. You would need to research info about high cholesterol and diet plans for cholesterol.

Where can i find a good menu to keep my cholesterol low ?

There are many diets for high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol you should eat more fruits and vegetables. There are some suggestions here:

What is a good diet to lower high cholesterol?

A good diet for lowering cholesterol is to eat certain food groups. These include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, it is a good idea to feed your body regularly but keep in mind what your taking in.

What are the advantages of a high cholesterol diet?

I'm no doctor but there actually are some advantages to a high cholesterol diet. Cholesterol aids in the function of cell strength and regulates blood pressure in the body.

Is there a diet for high cholesterol?

One of the primary causes of high LDL cholesterol is too much fat or sugar in the diet, a problem especially true in the United States