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Many people just want to eat well and not exercise. But when we exercise, our body uses up more of the food that we take in because it's needed for energy and recovery. But when we just eat and don't work out, our bodies are more like storage rooms. Imagine somebody saying "yeah, we don't need it right now, so just put it over there." That's sort of like what happens with our bodies...instead of using it or just sending it through, it holds onto it for later. When it continues to do so, it's like a storage fills up. So like a body, it puts on weight.

So I can think of 2 ways to help get rid of the extra storage in your stomach area: Healthy eating, and cardio.

1) There's a saying, "Good abs begin in the kitchen". In other words, get started on a good eating plan, eating lots of whole grains, veggies, and protein. Carbs are good for energy, and you should eat those also, but because bread is included in just about everything we eat, we tend to overpack on them.

2) Running on a treadmill is good, but what I find that kicking around a soccer ball helps burn off mine. This works with any type of sport where you're running short sprints and alternating speeds. Basketball is another good one for this for the same reason. And since you're playing a sport, you're fun is keeping your mind off the work you're doing.

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14y ago
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10y ago

There are a variety of ways that one can lose stomach fat, such as exercise and diet. General fitness programs can be adapted to lower one's daily calories intake while raising the amount of calories that are being burned to reduce fat. Fat loss will occur when the caloric value has more being burned than stored in fatty stomach deposits.

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Elena Callahan

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3y ago

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14y ago
  • 75% of weight loss in the stomach area happens in the kitchen. that means eating right everyday and having several small feedings per days, rather than 3 large meals. Also, 2 snacks a day are recommended so as to keep the metabolism fast. These should also be healthy in nature ( carrot sticks, celery).
  • Cut down on carbohydrates. * Do cardio exercise: brisk walking, running, walking, biking, jogging, aerobics should be done for at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week.
  • Eliminate refined (processed) carbohydrates and do cardio exercise. Refined carbohydrates are the major cause of fat accumulating around the abdomen. For more information about this, see the related question, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
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10y ago

Belly fat can be hard to burn. Do exercises in short, intense bursts instead of all in one session. Eat healthy. Try to avoid excess calories, especially those in the form of sugar. Do not cut back on fat too much. Your body must have fat to burn fat.

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Elena Callahan

Lvl 2
3y ago

maybe not eating bad.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Belly fat is the same as any fat on your body. It’s all about the type of food you eat not the calories. It’s really simple and easy. A lot of people telling you to avoid sugar but not carbohydrates?

If you want the best way to lose belly fat email me and I will send you this free info that has worked for 100's of people trying to lose weight

flatbellyfix73@gmailDotcom (use a dot not the word dot)

Sugar is a carbohydrate.

So just look at what type of food you eat and cut out refined carbohydrates, sugar and fructose and you will lose weight. No cardio, no running, no exercise.


How the body stores or burns fat.

This process is controlled by two hormones (insulin and glucagon) that work like scales. Too much insulin and you’ll store fat, no insulin and glucagon can do it’s job and burn fat.

If you want the best way to lose belly fat email me and I will send you this free info that has worked for 100's of people trying to lose weight

flatbellyfix73@gmailDotcom (use a dot not the word dot)

The proof that hormones control fat storing and burning is common knowledge in the medical world and is not controversial. Yes there are hormones that control hunger and feeling full but in the end it’s all about being a fat burner or sugar burner.

Don’t eat refined carbohydrates, sugars and fructose

If you want the best way to lose belly fat email me and I will send you this free info that has worked for 100's of people trying to lose weight

flatbellyfix73@gmailDotcom (use a dot not the word dot)

Those that say it’s unhealthy to try ketogenic seem to be promoting the current western diet that gives you a 1–3 chance of either high blood pressure, obesity or Diabetes. So I think we can assume that the ‘normal’ way to eat is actually not that healthy! Anyway I digress…

To explain the Ketogenic diet in layman’s terms. Ketogenic comes from the word ketones, the fuel source the body uses instead of glucose.

Be a fat burner not a sugar burner

Glucose burning is predominant as we live in a world of refined carbohydrates and sugars. But that’s not the natural way the body should run. When you eat meats (or protein from vegetables) and saturated fats you’re eating what the body is designed to eat. Quite simply you reboot your body to go back to being a fat burning machine.

There are ZERO essential carbohydrates only essential fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

When you burn ‘ketones’ instead of glucose you are in ‘ketosis’ or put another way; you’re following a ketogenic lifestyle.

People that say ‘it’s hard to follow’ have NEVER been in ketosis as once you are in it you have no cravings for sugary or carbohydrate high food. It’s the diet where you lose the most and keep it off longer.

Studies that say you gain the weight back on ALWAYS state ‘when the patient returned to their normal diet’ so yes ‘you put weight back on if you go back to sugar and carbs’

It’s not the point, following a ketogenic lifestyle is for life.

In the first 4 weeks you’ll lose around 14lbs. Make sure you drink water with a pinch of pink Himalayan salt to replace lost electrolytes from all the water retention being released.

You can exercise in ketosis and there are so many health benefits.

Why it works

Fat storage is regulated by insulin. A hormone. Not by the amount of calories you eat.

When you eat the process starts insulin secreting from the pancreas (actually just before you eat)

Insulin puts energy from the eaten food into your muscles for instant energy then…

…any excess goes into the liver as ‘stored energy’ and then…

Simple. This process is accelerated by sugar and refined carbohydrates. If you eat high fat low carb then this process is slowed down. There is no big spike or ‘‘sugar-high’ basically less fat gets stored and the potential for fat to be burned is heightened.

Fat does not spike insulin nor does moderate amounts of protein

Hence less fat storage

Fat burning

The process above is reversed and when the body goes into ketosis it’s much easier to burn fat as there is a key to losing weight and that key is having low insulin.

Glucagon the fat burning hormone only enters the blood stream in the absence of insulin (Guytons medical physiology textbook, edition 6)

It’s a great way to be healthy and stop fat accumulation.

Forget ‘eat less, move more’ no proven scientific merit. ‘Joslin’s medical textbook.’

‘Calories in being less than calories out’ does not work as the body simply lowers its basic metabolic rate to try to keep fat on.

Anyone that has lost weight by calorie deficit or eat less move more has done it because (not by design) they’ve lowered their carbohydrates by simply reducing all food. They didn’t need to lower everything!

If you want the best way to lose belly fat email me and I will send you this free info that has worked for 100's of people trying to lose weight

flatbellyfix73@gmailDotcom (use a dot not the word dot)

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