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Brain training has become a very popular topic in the past few years to improve both short and long term memory. Playing educational games or doing puzzles such as crosswords can help keep the mind sharp. Also, studies prove that giving one's full attention and involving numerous senses (vision, taste, hearing, etc) can help store information longer.

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Q: What are some good ways for one to improve long term memory?
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What types of mental exercises improve working memory?

Meditation, memory verses and riddles are some examples of the mental exercises that improve the working memory.

Where is it possible to play games that improve memory?

There are a number of sites where one can play free games that improve memory. Some of these sites include 'Brain Matrix', 'memory-improvement-tips' and 'Memory Zing'.

What are some ways to improve memory?

One can generally improve memory by practicing good health guidelines. One should eat a healthy diet low in fat and high in protein and fiber. In addition, one should engage in exercise daily and get a good nights sleep. Finally, practice memory skills with appropriate puzzles and games.

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There are many different things you can do to improve your memory. Brain puzzles and exercises are great for your memory.

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maybe play some memory games perhaps.

Is there any fruit that can improve memory?

Fruit that can improve memory, include apples and pineapples. Some researchers say that oranges can help as well, but this varies based on opinions of researchers.

What type of brain training can improve my memory?

There are sites that claim they can help you improve your brain's memory. Some places to look are - 41k and - 84k.

Is there any treatment or cure or cure for memory loss?

There are herbs you can take like gingko biloba to improve memory loss. This increases blood circulation to the brain. There are also some medications that reportedly improve memory loss. Consult your doctor or nutritionist for suggestions.

How does chocolate affect memory retention?

It is not guarenteed, but some studies show that the antioxidants in dark chocolate (60% cocoa or more) can help improve memory and focus.

What are some easy ways to improve your memory?

There are many tips or suggestions to improve your memory. Some of the more proven ways include keeping yourself healthy and getting enough sleep each day. Others include giving your brain a workout with challenging exercises such as crosswords and Sudoku.

How long is a dogs memory?

There is some controversy with regards to the length of a dog's memory. It is generally accepted that you have two seconds to praise or correct a dog because this is how long they remember performing an action or behavior.

Can you develop a photographic memory even if no one in your family has one?

memory is a skill everyone is born with it, just some stronger than others you can always improve your memory like every other skill you have so yes, you can