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There are some key benefits that come with bike riding....

1. It's great for the environment.

2. You get the same aerobic workout riding a bike as you would jogging

3. It is much easier on the joints.

4. Save on gas.

5. Gain more energy.

6. Can be done anytime, anywhere.

7. The whole family can do it.

8. Increased heart and lung function.

9. Stronger leg muscles. (Remember to stretch before going on a serious bike ride)

10. Even those with Arthritis can bike ride, and their joints will actually feel better afterwards.

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11y ago
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14y ago

it's zero emission travel

it's good exercise

it doesn't contribute to road congestion

it's less dangerous for pedestrians and other bicyclists than cars

it causes less wear on road surfaces.

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10y ago

Bicycle riding offers an excellent chance of some low-impact aerobic exercise, in a non-polluting and environmentally friendly way.

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11y ago

You get a nice, low impact aerobic work out from it.

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10y ago

If you continue to ride you will have strengthened calves and leg muscles. This will also help improve ur cardio. Keep riding!!!!!!

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13y ago

it helps keep you in fit, it gets your heart pumping, it helps cardiovascular health and respiratory.

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6y ago

Generally speaking bicycling is considered to be a good way to exercise, low impact, no pollution and all that.

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No, but it is frowned upon. Some cities have bike lanes to stop people from riding on sidewalks.

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Some good reasons to start bike riding would be that it is good exercise and would provide a good work out. Another reason is that one can be in the outdoors enjoying the fresh air.

Does mountain biking 10miles a day make you a faster sprinter?

Probably only if you start from a very poor level of fitness. Bike riding is mainly about endurance, while sprinting is all about explosive power. There can be secondary benefits though, if the added exercise of the bike riding is enough for you to lose some weight, then that will help in sprinting. If you use the bike riding for interval training(i.e. go flat out for a short period, rest a little , then go flat out again) then it can help a little too.

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When you are riding on the front of someones bike and the bike stops but you still keep going. This is newtons 1st law.

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Balancing skills and some level of fitness.

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What kind of energy transformations does riding a bike?

When riding a bike, the energy transformations involve converting chemical energy from food into mechanical energy to pedal the bike, which is then transformed into kinetic energy to move the bike forward. Additionally, some of the mechanical energy is lost as heat due to friction between moving parts.