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Christmas, Hanukkah,

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Q: What are some holidays in Norway?
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What are some religious holidays in Norway?


What are some of the holidays and traditions in Norway?

Christmas and summer holiday . : ]

What companies offer holidays in Norway?

Many companies offer holidays in Norway, but no company would put such information on the Internet. One should call up the specific company to ask what holiday's that they observe.

What are two holidays in Norway?

Two of the biggest holidays in Norway would be Christmas (Jul) and Easter (Påske). You might be referring to Norway's 2 non-religious holidays, 1st and 17th of May, which are statutory days that are to be treated as if they were Sundays. 1st of May being the International Worker's Day and 17th of May being the Norwegian Constitution Day.

What are the 3 holy days in Norway?

We have more than 3 holy days/ holidays in norway, check them out here:

Where do Norway travel?

well, if i understand correctly, you are asking where the people of Norway are travelling in their holidays? well, we travel all over the world... as long as we can afford it... ;)

What are some of Iceland's holidays?

The answer is the same holidays as the U.S

Working in Norway on holiday?

A few people work on holidays, like gas stations, police, medical personnel, etc.. But most people who work in stores, industry, offices and service professions do not work on holidays.

What are the holidays that are only in Norway?

Mai 17th is a national holliday in Norway. Because 17th of Mai in 1814 the norwegian constitution was signed. there is also Mothers' Day in february that changes the date in almost each year.

Is it good to celebrate holidays in school?

no,because some kids cant celebrate some holidays

Were did Roald Dahl spent most of his child hood?

In the Summer Holidays they went to Norway but he lived in Cardiff until the moved to an English school

Is childcare common on holidays?

Some people do childcare on holidays but most do not, it is like a vaccation day to some.