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Making some simple lifestyle changes to help with sleep apnea. Try to avoid alcohol and medicine. Also, quitting smoke may help with sleep apnea. Often losing weight will help decrease the number of sleep apnea occurrences per night. Changing sleeping habits, such as raising the head of the bed 4 inches or sleeping on your side, can help decrease sleep apnea.

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11y ago

Sleep apnea is a serious medical problem which needs treatment. If you are unable to afford it, you can try the old tricks; sewing a tennis ball or two onto the back of your pajama top, the nose strips sometimes help, no caffeine a few hours before bed. Good luck

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12y ago

I read something about tobasco sauce. Honestly. Google it.

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10y ago

There are many natural remedies for Sleep Apnea. Some of the natural remedies include herbal supplements, changing of diet, as well as changing of posture, and sleep position.

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What is meaning of Apean?

Apnea is a temporary suspension of breathing. It occurs in some newborns (infant apnea) and in some adults during sleep (sleep apnea).

What are some of the more common treatments for sleep apnea?

The best thing to do if you suspect that you have sleep apnea is to talk to your doctor. You can also do some throat exercises to treat sleep apnea too.

Can anyone tell me some facts and ideas about sleep apnea treatment?

Sleep apnea could be dangerous. Some people with sleep apnea sleep with an oxygen mask on to avoid risks. What you are describing is not sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is about abnormal rhythm in breathing while asleep. Falling asleep while talking to people is another case.

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apnea and sleep walking

What is the other names for Central Sleep Apnea?

I did some research.I found some variations of Central Sleep Apnea:(1) Cheyne"s-Stokes Respiration (2) Ondine's Curse. cmf3225

What are the cures for sleep apnea?

It depends upon the cause of sleep apnea. Some people have sleep apnea because they are overweight. Solution: lose weight. Some people have sleep apnea because of nasal/septal defects. Solution: have surgery. There are medical treatments though to help a person breathe freely at night. One is called a CPAP machine. Discuss with a pulmonologist what are the causes and treatments for specific forms of sleep apnea.

What are some treatments for sleeping apnea?

There are many treatments for sleep apnea which one can try. One can try a CPAP device to help while sleeping. Using a humidifier and nasal sprays can also be used to treat sleep apnea.

Are there any alternative treatments (besides a machine) for sleep apnea?

Some people snore or have sleep apnea only when sleeping on their back. Such people can eliminate or reduce airway blockage simply by learning to sleep on their side.

What are the negative effects of a sleep apnea treatment?

Sleep apnea is when one stops breathing during sleep. This can be dangerous and steps taken to prevent dire consequences. All medications have some risks involve and find the one will take some time.

What are the most common cures for insomnia?

There are many common treatments and cures for those who suffer from insomnia. Some treatments and cures for insomnia include changing one's sleep habits, limiting caffeine, and associating the bed only with sleep.

What causes sleep apnea?

Who really knows why we get Sleep Apnea, the better question may be...What causes Sleep Apnea? Sleep Apnea, simply occurs because your airway closes while you are trying to sleep! There are many stages of sleep that we drift in and out of. The stages that we are inclined to get our best sleep, the restorative sleep that we all need to feel good, can also cause our muscles to relax and subsequently closing our airway, causing what is called an arousal. This however is only one way this occurs...if you were to look at he throats of many people with Sleep Apnea, you would see that there throats almost seem small or closed, as opposed to some people you could see all the way down their throat, into their lungs almost! The point being that if you have a throat that is more closed than open, you may have a greater chance of having Apneas. The best way to determine why you may have Sleep Apnea is to have a Sleep Test done by a qualified professional. Not being treated for Sleep Apnea could be very serious to your good health! See related link below.

How to Recognize The Advantages Of A Sleep Apnea Mask?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder, and it causes people to stop breathing properly during sleep. This can make your sleep feel less refreshing; sleep apnea sufferers often wake up feeling more tired than when they went to bed, and over time, the condition can have a serious effect on your body. Special sleep apnea masks help to alleviate the effects of the condition by keeping the air passages open during sleep, allowing apnea suffers to get well deserved full nights of sleep. Contrary to popular belief, sleep apnea masks--which are often connected to CPAP machines--do not force air into their users’ lungs. They provide a continuous air stream that holds the lungs open, but when they’re not connected to the face, no air is coming out of the device. This means that they’re very safe compared to oxygen machines or other potentially flammable treatments. They’re also very comfortable. Sleep apnea masks usually slide on easily, and modern designs are quite convenient for regular use. Many sleep apnea sufferers worry about the sound from a sleep apnea masks, but again, modern technology has allowed for designs that operate noiselessly. They’re convenient for using with a sleeping partner, and can eliminate snoring problems caused by sleep apnea in most cases. The cost of sleep apnea masks ranges quite a bit, with some lower-end models starting around three hundred dollars. Medical insurance will often cover the cost of sleep apnea masks, and some hospitals rent the machines out by the month. It’s important to follow all of the instructions included with a CPAP machine in order to keep the machine working properly, and you’ll need a sleep apnea diagnosis before renting one from a hospital. If you’re considering a sleep apnea mask, rest assured that the devices are safe, inexpensive, and easy to use. They’re very comfortable, and can make sleep more refreshing. They’re a great choice for sleep apnea sufferers, and they produce results almost instantly. Always discuss medical tools with your doctor, and if you have confirmed sleep apnea, consider a sleep apnea mask to cure the symptoms of the condition.