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There are many similarities on the cellular level between organisms, plants and animals alike. For example, both cell structures contain membrane, ribosomes and mitochondria as well as a nucleus and nucleolus to control cell functions.

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Q: What are some homologies at the cellular level?
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What are homologies and why are they important in classification?

Homologies have similar characteristics due to being related. You are able to see homologies by comparing the anatomies of different living things, look at the cellular similarities and differences, look at the embryological development and compare and look at vestigial strutures. Even though leaves of plants look different and have different shapes and functions, they are homologous because they share a common ancestor.

Cellular level is called?

The cellular level is the most basic level of human life. The cellular level is the beginning of structural and functional levels.

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According to my knowledfe Photorespiration is the respiration from the organ level to the cellular level.

What is the definition for homologous?

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