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Long term effects of global warming are:

  1. It leads to increase in temperature which further leads to melting of glaciers into water which causes floods.
  2. Due to global warming percentage of carbon dioxide is raised and percentage of oxygen goes down
  3. in the future, more hurricanes will be category 5 or above!
  4. droughts will often occur
  5. diseases will be uncontrollable

also if the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase then the heat from the sun gets trapped and water from rivers and the sea will evaporate so there would be lots of water shortages and more rain storms.


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forest fires, hot temperatures, droughts

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Q: What are some long term effects of global warming?
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First you try to understand the harmful effects of global warming. Then go to peoples house in your locality and show some percentage of global warming in their house. Then explain them its harmful effects. Then try to tell them how to prevent it. Make posters and stick it on walls. Take out a rally with your friends.

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There are thousands of slogans that are available for stopping global warming. Some of these slogans include "Global Warming: We have a solution, stop pollution" and "Penguins are on Thin Ice: Stop Global Warming".

What are some global warming videos?

You can find videos on Type global warming into the search.

Could governments have done more in the past to prevent global warming?

Yes, we have known about global warming since about the middle of last century, but governments have been slow to act. Politicians rarely can see beyond the next election, and action on global warming takes some years before we see a result. Now, as global warming and its effects are beginning to be more obvious governments may act.

What are some topics you could choose to write about for global warming?

History of climate change throughout the years, factors causing global warming such as methane gas and water vapor, the effects of CO2 on temperature is probably over-done, but something comparing the amounts of say, CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere and their relative effects on insulating the atmosphere and the ensuing global warming would be more original.