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Q: What are some major technological advances and their effects on society?
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What were some major technological advances during the World War 2?

Jeromy Petscae

What were the three major technological advances that made it possible to "explore" the world from the 15th to 17th centuries?

What were the three major technological advances that made it possible to explore the world from the 15th to 17th centuries? The five major advancements of the Age of Exploration were the astrolabe, magnetic compass, caravel, sextant, and Mercator’s projection.

How is World War 1 different from previous wars?

Because everyone had to make major changes to adjust to all the technological advances during the war

What advances were made by the Greeks?

Structural buildings and different foods played a major role in shaping America's modern society.

What was a major technology development in the 1990s?

The internet was a major technological development in the 1990s

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Major benefits and two major risks of scientific technological advancements

When did the synthetic fiber industry undergo a major expansion?

Rapid technological advances during and after World War II paved the way for a massive synthetic fiber industry expansion during the 1960s and 1970s.

What are some of the technological advances that came about in World War I?

Some of the technological advances made during world war 1 are: The Tank, Chemical Warfare, The use of Aircraft and High Explosive Artillary Ammunition. There was also major changes to Command and control. The smallest unit of men at the begining of the war was a company of 100 men. This started to change during world war 1 with the use of smaller 10+ men units.

What grew out of the cold war?

The Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union grew out of the Cold War. The rivalry between these two super powers led to major technological advances and achievements at the time.

What are the relationship between the historiography written at the time and the society?

The effects of major events are still unknown but there is no presentism at play.

What are the major issues of copyright?

The two biggest issues in modern copyright are the increasing challenge of protecting your work from infringement, and the challenge of creating laws that are flexible enough to react to technological advances without being so vague as to be useless.

What technological advances have had a major impact on marketing research?

These innovations have included checkout scanners in supermarkets, computer-assisted telephone interviewing, database marketing, data analysis by computers, data collection on the Internet, and Web-based surveys.