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There's an old movie (1945) about Alcoholism called The Lost Weekend (based on the novel by Charles Jackson). It's brilliant; it really gets to the heart of alcoholism and the alcoholic mind.

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Q: What are some movies that pertain to alcoholism and its recovery?
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What are some movies that pertain to addiction and its recovery?

The Basketball Diaries, starring Leonardo Dicaprio as the heroin-addicted poet Jim Carroll, is an excellent one.

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Where can one find rehab treatment centers in New York?

The website Sober Recovery has a list of some rehab centers in New York. The website has a variety of listings on different types of treatment for things such as eating disorders and alcoholism.

Finding Recovery In Alcoholism Treatment Centers?

Looking at the options in alcoholism treatment centers is a good start onto the path of recovery. As the treatment plans and methods vary between rehabs, finding the right program can have a big impact on your success. While certain centers will offer a spiritually focused approach, others will emphasize psychology. Neither method is better or more effective than the other overall, but on the individual level the right program can make a profound impact on the experience. Entering alcoholism treatment centers can be a difficult process. Seeking help is a sign of strength, accepting assistance on a challenging issue can be a rewarding and life saving process. Having support from family and friends can be especially important in recovery. Talking over the idea ahead of time with trusted friends can encourage you through the course of treatment and recovery. Addiction has effects on the family as well as the alcoholic, having loved ones along for the first steps through the doors of an alcoholism treatment center is healing for them as well. Rehab programs will vary between treatment centers. Some will offer a thirty day program, others will advise ninety days. As well as time, there are often choices to be made between inpatient and outpatient alcoholism treatment centers. An initial detox in inpatient alcoholism treatment centers is often the most vital time for the recovery process to be monitored. Medical and psychological assistance can be especially vital during the early days of sobriety. In considering the many choices in alcoholism treatment centers location may be a concern. While one not far from home allows for frequent visits from family, the proximity to known places can bring temptations. Some choose to seek recovery in alcoholism treatment centers farther away from home to help quell the urge to leave before completing the program. While this worry is not a problem for many when seeking help, it can be a good idea to seek out a pleasant location and begin recovery in a peaceful environment. Specialized alcoholism treatment centers such as luxury rehabs, those aimed at doctors or other professionals or gender-specific for men or women are also good options to consider in looking into rehab.

How many Americans in recovery from alcoholism?

The exact number in recovery in any country is difficult to discern for several reasons. * The stigma attached to alcoholism affects the accuracy of reporting. * Confidentiality laws affect the accuracy of statistics, except in a general sense. * Relapses are almost never reported. * Some people do not get treatment, and their numbers can only be estimated. * Definitions of "recovery" vary. Is a person "in recovery" if they haven't had a drink this week; for four weeks? Do they have to be in some kind of program? You can see the problem. If we assume that 7% of the US population has had problems with alcohol (a not unreasosnable figure) and that half of them are in some form of recovery, (perhaps a bit optimistic) then we come up with 3.5% of 300,000,000, which is 10.5 million. That is only an extremely broad estimate, and to this writer the number seems high. Eighty percent of the alcoholic beverages sold in the US are purchased by roughly 20% of the population, and the beverage companies continue to make money. That alone should tell us something.

Are there any online alcoholic programs?

Yes! I recently did some research on the subject. I'm developing a website on alcoholism recovery called Here's the link about online resources:

Alcoholism is what type of illness?

Alcoholism is a chronic illness, according to some. However, there is considerable debate as to whether or not alcoholism is a disease. Many physicians reject the disease theory of alcoholism.

What are some of the most common addiction treatment programs in the United States?

Some of the most common addiction treatment programs in the United States are The Treatment Center, The Watershed, Alcoholic Recovery, and Sober College. These all include drug treatments ranging from alcoholism to more serious drugs.

What gene is alcoholism from?

The genetic component of alcoholism in some families seems to involve the GABRG3 gene. However, no one thinks it is the only cause.

Does alcoholism have a nosology?

I am not sure exactly sure what branch of medicine deals with alcoholism, addicition, chemical dependancy? Some one should know for sure.

What are some rehab programs for alcoholics in Los Angeles?

Alcoholism is a broad term that is used when a person has trouble or problems with alcohol. There are many rehab programs located throughout the US. Some of the ones located in Los Angeles include: Turning Point, Aspen Education Group, and SOBA recovery Center.