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It could be that there too busy with other things like there jobs,family etc... some people just like the way they are could be dat they have most of the things they need in life they don't need to worry about there body figure. eg: Lazy, motivation, dreams, etc...

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I'm too busy answering questons.


There are a lot of reasons, and it depends on the person. Some people have health problems, so it is hard for them to breathe, or walk, or run... other people are incredibly busy with other things and it is hard for them to prioritize exercise. It all comes down to what you really want in life, and what you are willing to work for. For some people, exercise doesn't make the priority list. For others, it does, and I think almost everyone has times in life where it does and where it doesn't... so it is easier to understand both sides.

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10y ago

Some obstacles that prevent people from getting regular physical activity are disability and even pure laziness. Even if you cannot get out of the house much, you can run in place, run up and down the stairs or other exercises right in your home.

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7y ago

Too tired, don't feel like it, don't have time, too lazy, no commitment.

They have a lack of confidence in their ability to be physically active.

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They don't have a place to do physical activity.

They don't have enough time.

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Not enough time & Fear of being injured

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Q: What are some obstacles that prevent people from getting regular physical activity?
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What are some obstacles that prevent individuals from getting regular physical activity?

Some obstacles that prevent regular physical activity may be physical limitations that prevent exercising and working in a sedentary position. People who work in offices often have a problem fitting in physical activity on a regular basis.

What are some of the obstacles that prevent a person from getting regular physical activity?

I think daily life gets in the way of finding time to get physical activity. I work two jobs and go to school full time, those definitely can get in the way of finding time to workout. But every little activity will help. I try to park farther away, always take the stairs, go for a run every morning. I think if physical fitness is important to you, you need to incorporate it into your daily schedule. Just like showering or eating, it's something that must me done.

Regular physical activity can help prevent disease by?

glucose metabolism

What are the dietary guidelines for Americans.?

A set of science-based diet and physical activity recommendations that are intended to promote health and prevent disease. (apex)

How much physical activity is recommended to prevent heart disease?

60 minutes a day

What are the importance of physical?

Physical activity is important to maintain a healthy body and prevent medical issues later in people's lives.

What are the importance of physical activities?

Physical activity is important to maintain a healthy body and prevent medical issues later in people's lives.

What is physical barriers?

Physical barriers are physical structures or obstacles that prevent or impede access, such as walls, fences, or gates. They can be used to control movement or prevent entry to certain areas. Physical barriers are commonly used for security or safety purposes in various settings, such as buildings, public spaces, or transportation systems.

What were the obstacles in britian?

They did, and still do, prevent progress

What are the guidelines for Americans?

A set of science-based diet and physical activity recommendations that are intended to promote health and prevent disease. (apex)

What are the effects of mental health caused by physical activity?

Physical activity plays a huge role in keeping good mental health. There are the obvious effects and benefits of physical activity, such as getting in shape and therefore improving your overall body image. By keeping in shape, one naturally is going to receive a moral boost as well as an increase in self image because they are less worried about their weight and appearance and take pride in it. As well, physical activity provides a physical as well as emotional boost. By being active, the muscles are allowed to stretch and flex. Lack of physical activity will lead to stiffness, as well as muscle atrophy and tightness. On a hormonal level, physical activity releases the hormones known as endorphins. Endorphins provide one with the "runners high" or the emotional uplifting one gets after finishing a workout, which will usually last for hours after the activity. Physical activity, along with a good diet, can prevent numerous lifestyle disease such as diabetes 2, as well as help treat/reduce the severity of others, such as asthma. It cannot be stressed how important physical activity is to the human body, and when done correctly only has positive effects.

What is the name for the set of science-based diet and physical activity recommendations that are intended to promote health and prevent disease?

Dietary Guidelines for Americans