

What are some of the best treatments for crohn's disease?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The last two decades have seen great advances in the understanding of IBD & particularly Crohn's Disease Especially exciting is its genetic component and in the kinds of therapies available to patients. As more and more information emerges from research and clinical trials, the number of therapeutic options is likely to continue to evolve and grow. Infliximab (Remicade) is making great strides. Researchers found that 57 percent of patients who received combination therapy with infliximab and azathioprine achieved steroid-free remission after 26 weeks. Adalimumab (Humira) is showing similar results.
New investigations including stem cell research in those countries forward thinking enough to allow it, may prove even more exciting in the foreseeable future.

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Q: What are some of the best treatments for crohn's disease?
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The best tips for managing any health condition will come from one's own medical doctor, as he or she is familiar with your individual circumstances and can tailor advice to your individual needs. Failing this, some excellent advice is available on the websites for WebMD and the Mayo Clinic as well as CCFA.

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The symptoms can be similar. The tests done however would confirm which disease the doctors were dealing with. H Pylori is distinctive as a corkscrew shaped gram negative bacterium. Biopsy from the stomach lining is used among other tests. Treatment in some cases can be somewhat similar with the use of metronidazole and other antibiotics. It can take several treatments but unlike crohns disease, h. pylori is curable.

Can nausea be a symptom of crohns disease?

Most certainly. Crohns while active can cause nausea as can some of the medications used to treat the disease. There are however many remedies to control the nausea.

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The following link is an excellent resource for accommodating the diet of Crohns' Disease patients. They provide frequently updated recipes, a blog and a list of books for further reading.

Why do blacks get crohns isn't that a Jewish disease?

No. Crohns is not a Jewish disease, Crohns makes no distinction between race, religion, age or gender. There are studies that show some slightly higher risk factors but there is no conclusive evidence placing any one individual more at risk than another.

Where can I find more information on crohns disease diet?

With colitis, there are foods that you shouldn't eat and foods that you should eat. Some foods you should eat are fatty greasy or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine, and heavy cream), and also limit the dairy you consume.

What causes Crohn's disease?

Experts are not sure, and studies and research are ongoing. Several theories exist but unfortunately, none of these theories has yet been scientifically proven. Most experts agree that the immune system of people with Crohn's disease reacts abnormally - it treats good bacteria, foods, and other substances that are good for us as foreign and unwanted substances. In other words, the patients own immune system attacks. This leaves us with the question, does Crohn's disease cause an abnormal immune system response, or does an abnormal immune system response cause Crohn's disease

Can Crohns disease make you infertile?

crohn's disease will not directly cause you to be infertile but some medicines that can be used to treat crohn's can cause infertility

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What happens when Crohn's disease is left untreated?

Some of the complications of untreated Crohns disease are malnutrition and dehydration. Anemia from blood loss. Sepsis from infection. Complete blockage of the bowel. Crohns is a dangerous disease. Managable when treated but often ignored as recurring flu symptoms and diagnosed late.

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No. There are treatments that have been proven to help, but there isn't an outright cure for Parkinson's. There are no cures, but there are treatments.