

What are some of the causes of Migraines?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Migraines can come about for almost any reason. These include stress, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, and hunger. They also can be caused by genetics.

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Q: What are some of the causes of Migraines?
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Any chemical from air coditioners cause migraines.

What are the usual causes of migraine headaches?

Some of the most common causes of migraines are lack of food, lack of sleep, excessive heat, and excessive stress. If you have a family member who suffers from migraines, that also increases your chances.

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Keeping a Food Journal to Find Migraine Causes?

Many people suffering from migraines are dealing with a food allergy. It could be anything from wheat to certain food dyes to caffeine. Keeping a food journal can help you uncover any dietary causes for your migraines. To determine if a certain food is causing the migraines, it should be completely eliminated from the diet for a few weeks. If the migraines cease then you may have uncovered the dietary trigger and found an easy way to avoid the pain of migraines.

What drug options are available for migraines or headaches?

I would just prefer Aspirin. This makes your blood thinner and therefore will help to will the blood flow to the head which causes headaches. I would also try to get some sleep give the Aspirin does not take effect. There are some other drug which you can take for long term migraines.

What causes migraines with nose bleeds?

If you suffer with migrain headaches they are known to cause nose bleeds. I have suffered with migrains for 15 years. I have a lot of nosebleeds. The nose bleed can be another symptom of what is causing the headache. For instance in the winter, dry air can cause dehydration, which causes headaches, and the dry air causes the nasal passages to be more susceptable to nose bleeds. High blood pressure can cause both symptoms.

Where can i learn about the causes of migraines?

Much information about migraines may be found on: In short, a migraine is a chronic neurological disorder, known by moderate to severe headaches.

Can potassium nitrate trigger migraines?

Yes, there are studies that show potassium nitrates can trigger migraines. It really all depends on how your body handles the substance and may not cause migraines in some people.

Do people with glasses have migraines?

Some with migraines do wear glasses. But a headache caused by bad vision is not the same as headaches caused by migraines. If you need glasses and don't have them, you might get a headache, and you can get headaches if your prescription is wrong.

Are Migraines contagious?

No, migraines are not and cannot be contagious.No.

Can epilepsy cause the patient to suffer migraine symptoms?

Yes. People with seizure disorders often state they see or feel an "aura." Seizure aura can be similar to migraine aura, or they can vary widely - having to do more with feeling a certain feeling like fear or deja vu. There is a specific type of migraine variant called Migralepsy, during which patients with experience both migraine and seizures. For some people, the migraine is almost a warning sign of impending seizure.

The causes of migraines for women are?

Many things cause migraines. Diet is one factor. Foods like cheese, chocolate, coffee, and other foods that contain caffeine can cause migraines. I am a migraine sufferer myself, and have found that playing video games, watching television or using the computer for long periods of time, can also trigger a migraine. Also, Migraine suffering can run in families. My father suffers from migraines and, consequently, I to suffer from them. Stress is another thing. If you've had a hectic day at work or school, or your feeling stressed, that can cause migraines. I hope I've been of some help.